Monday, December 21st 2015

Futuremark Releases 3DMark 2016 Beta with VRMark Preview

Futuremark dropped an early Holiday present for enthusiasts, with a beta of 3DMark 2016. While it doesn't pack the all-awaited "Time Spy" DirectX 12 game-test, you still get a lot. To begin with, it includes a preview to VRMark, a 3D VR benchmark designed for VR headsets. It's a very early release, and as such doesn't generate a score. It doesn't yet support multi-GPU setups. You still get a groovy VR rendition of the "Fire Strike" game test universe. The beta also comes with a brand new user-interface that's a little more easy on the eyes, and quick to get your way around. The beta is being distributed through Steam and open to everyone who owns the paid version of 3DMark on Steam. Grab it from the link below.
DOWNLOAD: 3DMark 2016 Beta
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6 Comments on Futuremark Releases 3DMark 2016 Beta with VRMark Preview

The 3DMark Holiday Beta is your chance to try some of the new features coming to 3DMark in 2016. Find out more here.

The beta is open to everyone who owns the paid version of 3DMark on Steam. Sorry, demo users. To join the beta, follow these simple steps:
  1. Open your Steam Library, and choose Software.
  2. Right-click on 3DMark, and select Properties.
  3. In the window that opens, click on the BETAS tab.
  4. Enter access code "HappyHolidays", then click on the CHECK CODE button.
  5. From the drop-down menu, select "2016 UI & VRMark Preview"
  6. The beta will now start downloading.
--- This section updated December 21, 2015
If you bought 3DMark from Steam, the benchmark DLCs should have been added to your account automatically. You can install them from within 3DMark.

If not, or if you bought 3DMark elsewhere and added the key to your Steam library, then the DLC installation process is a bit awkward. For now, follow the steps below. You will then be able to install and uninstall each test from within 3DMark.
  1. Right-click on 3DMark in your Library, and select "View Downloadable Content."
  2. In the new window, click on "View available downloadable content for this product"
  3. For each DLC, click through to its store page, and click on the "Play Game" button.
  4. This adds the free DLC to your account and allows you to install it in 3DMark.
  5. When you have unlocked all the DLCs, launch 3DMark and enjoy!
You can leave the beta and revert to the public version of 3DMark at any time. You do that by going to the BETAS drop-down and selecting “NONE - Opt out of all beta programs."

Known issues and notes
  • The VRMark Preview does not work on Windows 7 as that OS is not supported by the VR headset drivers. We're looking into enabling monitor mode on Windows 7.
  • VRMark Preview does not support multi-GPU yet. Disable SLI/Crossfire to avoid rendering issues. We’re working on a fix for this.
  • The VRMark Preview fails on PCs set to Turkish locale in Windows.
  • The beta includes a workaround for the AMD driver issue where the preview videos in the UI caused some AMD graphics cards to use low power mode and run at lower clock speeds. If you experienced this issue earlier, please tell us whether the beta solves the problem for you and your exact video card model.
If you run into problems, let us know in this thread. We're here to help! Please include your system specs and other relevant details when reporting a problem.
Posted on Reply
so is this some kind of new "3DMark 2016" or the already existing "3DMark" upgrade, that arrives in 2016?
Posted on Reply
2016 the year of vr!
Posted on Reply
There is no "3DMark 2016" - this is just an update to the 3DMark that will come in 2016.

The one and the same that includes Fire Strike Etc.

Just updating it with a new UI and ability to install/uninstall individual tests to keep the installed size down, in preparation for upcoming update that adds Time Spy (the DX12 test)

Edit: Oh, and adding a VRMark Preview so you can get a first look on VR things, in anticipation of upcoming VRMark that is also coming in 2016.

Currently only on Steam as beta, but this will also come as a standalone installer in January (couldn't get that bit completed before the holidays, sorry...)
Posted on Reply
if 2016 is the year of VR then I would like to stay in 2015. if VR is the future I could care less about the future.

I have played on VR and wasn't excited about it afterward and I really haven't heard very many people blown away by it?

I felt like it was just a screen smashed in my face. the rest of it was meh
Posted on Reply
*raises hand

I was blown away... while the resolution on current devices could be better for the immersion factor, I was taken back when I first played some of the demos this year. Most everyone around me was, and most of what I have seen on forums, they are too.

I'd honestly venture to say you may be in the minority.
Posted on Reply
May 1st, 2024 06:14 +08 change timezone
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