Hi 5 House of Dream is coming to Singapore! ( Tickets Giveaway) - TheWackyDuo.com - Singapore Lifestyle Portal

Hi 5 House of Dream is coming to Singapore! ( Tickets Giveaway)


Hands up if you child loves Hi-5.

Hi-5 is an Australian children's musical group formed in 1998 . It's hard to believe that the group is 17 years old till date. If you wonder how the group could still look so young after all these years, it is because they are refreshed after a few years. That means a brand new show awaits!

Join Stevie, Ainsley, Mary, Dayen and Tanika, as the sun sets for a huge Hi-5 sleepover party! With the help of Chats, the "Dream Meister", and her magical Dream Catcher, there would be plenty of wild, wonderful and wacky dream adventures for everyone!

Enter the colourful and magical world of dreams with Stevie, Ainsley, Mary, Dayen and Tanika, as they embark on musical journeys through a jungle, fairy garden, outer space, underwater and even in the super cool world of superheroes! Each dream comes alive on stage with Hi-5's unique mix of irresistibly infectious songs and high-energy dances! 

Hi-5 has entertained more than 10 million children worldwide with over 15 successful series to date and continues to be ranked among the top three most successful pre-school TV shows consistently for the last 10 years.

What does that mean for you?

Expect a sleepover party that is guaranteed to be a fun-filled event to be enjoyed by the whole family. 

Ticketing Details
Event:    Hi-5 House of Dreams 
Date:   12 and 13 September 2015 (Saturday and Sunday) 
Venue:   The Grand Theatre, Marina Bay Sands 
Time:   10.30am, 2.30pm, 6.30pm   

VIP 1   - S$115     
VIP 2  - S$105     
A Res  - S$65 
B Res   - S$45 

Wacky Giveaway

For our readers, we have a family pass of 4 tickets ($65 Category) on 13 Sep 1030am show for giveaway.

Simply do the following to qualify
1) Share this Picture Post on facebook
2) Quote 'I want to party with Hi-5' on the Facebook Picture Post
3) Follow us on Instagram for 5 more chances to win (optional)
4) Join the Rafflecopter below
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Important Points to Note
  • Open to Facebook Fans of The Wacky Duo only.
  • Giveaway closes on 07 Aug 2359
  • Results will be out on 11 Aug on this post
  • Winners are to response via email by 14 Aug with Full Name and NRIC Number
  • Thereafter prizes are to be self collected. Location details will be determine on a later date 
  • Ticket Valid only for 13 Sep 1030am show. No changes are allowed and tickets are not transferable.
Terms and Conditions
  • All steps to be completed as indicated to qualify
  • Ensure your likes and shares are set to public for us to verify, otherwise you will be disqualified.
  • Open to Singapore residents with a valid Singapore mailing address (No PO Box)
  • Only one winner per household. Duplicate Winners of the same giveaway on other websites may be disqualify. The final decision will be made by the sponsors.Any disputes will not be entertain.
  • Prize are subject to change and fulfillment by the sponsor. Winners are not allowed to change the prizes or exchange them for cash. Prizes are not meant to be sold or transferable.
  • Thewackyduo.com is not liable for the prizes indicated including the experience and the event of default by the sponsors.
  • Winners of past giveaways in the last one month will not qualify for this giveaway.
  • Facebook accounts used solely for giveaways will be disqualified.
  • Facebook, Instagram and Blogger are not associated with this giveaway. Information provided are for Thewackyduo.com and not for Facebook, Instagram or any other social platform

1 comment:

  1. FionaChan 30 July 2015 at 12:17

    Liked and Shared

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