Shopping Products

Top 10 Online Shopping Sites in the World

Technology facilitates many things for us to make our life easier than what we can imagine. We used to go shopping when we need to purchase something, but now we do not need to do that or even to go out and leave our homes because everything is reachable and can be easily found in front of us through few clicks.

Aliexpress is the online shopping website which has recently grown rapidly to meet the growing demands and satisfy the needs of customers even in weirdest things to buy online.

Online shopping sites can be found now in large numbers which helps you to look for what you need on different websites and purchase the best or what suits you more. Here is a quick glance at the best online shopping sites in the world to make it easier for you to find the best items that you need to purchase.

10. ModCloth


This American online retailer was founded in 2002 by Eric Koger and Susan Gregg-Koger.

It is headquartered in San Francisco, California, United States and it offers clothing, décor, and accessories which differ in their designs as they are vintage, inspired by vintage items or designed by independent designers.

9. Zappos


It is an online shop specializing in shoes and clothing and it is known as the largest online shoe store in the world. It was founded in 1999 by Nick Swinmurn and its headquarters is located in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.

8. Nasty Gal


It is an American online retailer that offers all that is needed by young women such as shoes, fashion clothing, and accessories. The company was founded in 2006 by Sophia Amoruso and its headquarters is located in Los Angeles, United States.



It specializes in e-commerce businesses which are based on the internet and is the largest online business-to-business trading platform in the world including Canada, USA, and the other world parts, especially for small businesses. It was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in Hangzhou, China. This website is more known in China and Asia and it provides its customers with different features such as the ability to compare between products, quick checkout, secure payment gateway and fast delivery of products to their homes.

6. Mr Porter


It is an online retailer that was launched in 2011 and specializes in offering what is related to men’s style including shoes, clothes and accessories to make you a stylish man. You can find products for major designers such as Alexander McQueen and Ray Ban.

5. Etsy


It was launched in 2005 and is based in Brooklyn, New York City, United States. This e-commerce website specializes in offering different vintage, handmade and factory-manufactured items that you may need such as clothing, jewelry, art, beauty products and more. You have also the ability to check top picks that are chosen by other Etsy members like you.

4. Walmart


It is an American multinational retailer that provides you with everything you may need such as electronics, video games, home furnishing, clothes, jewelries, toys, automobiles, gifts, sports and other items at good prices to meet your budget and satisfy your needs.

3. Asos


It is one of the biggest online shopping stores in the United Kingdom that specializes in presenting everything related to beauty and fashion including accessories, men’s and women’s wear. It helps you to narrow your search through making use of trends and collection features in addition to the ability to buy and sell pre-owned clothes through the online marketplace that is presented to you.

2. eBay

It is one of the most popular online auction and shopping websites that can be found in the whole world. It was founded in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar and is headquartered in San Jose, California, United States. It helps you to buy and sell different products which makes this site beneficial for both buyers and sellers.

1. Amazon


It is known as the most popular and ranked as the biggest online shopping store in the USA and the whole world and not just in the United States. It was founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos and is headquartered in Seattle, Washington, United States. It started as an online bookstore and quickly diversified to offer everything you need. It provides its customers with several features such as multiple easy payment methods, discounts, quick checkout, fast delivery and a wide range of items at good prices.
Photo of Sara Nagi

Sara Nagi

Sara Nagi is an Egyptian writer and activist. After earning a degree in English literature from Cairo University, she began working as a journalist and publishing articles on social issues.Nagi rose to prominence with her debut short story collection "Hawaween" in 2008, which explored feminist themes and was groundbreaking for Arabic literature at the time. She has since published several other acclaimed short story collections and novels that have been translated into multiple languages.In addition to her literary work, Nagi co-founded Basma, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting women survivors of violence and single mothers. She has been vocal on women's rights issues in Egypt through columns, public speaking engagements and advocacy campaigns.Her contributions to both Arabic fiction and social activism have earned Nagi several international awards, including the Naguib Mahfouz Medal for Literature from the American University in Cairo. Forbes Middle East recognized her as one of the 100 most powerful Arab women in 2018.Nagi continues to push boundaries with her writing while raising awareness about gender equality through her work with Basma and other organizations.
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