A list of bkdk djs that have been sitting in my notes app for awhile ! all are on myreadingmanga and in english (the website does have p*rn ads on it, so please be cautious!)

last updated : 5/6/23


[yazaki] Stay Stay

[kase] How irrational can you be!

[Kuranosukee (Kase)] Ideal Body

[Fujii Niya] WILD LIFE

[dokosahekisaensan (aroe)] PLEASE YOUR HEART

[kuroi] NO MORE Quirk Thief

[Kometsubu] most disliking

[henjen69] HUG me! KISS me! LOVE me! Darling

[kuroi] NO MORE Quirk Thief

[Bakuchi Jinsei SP (Satsuki Fumi)] Boku no Osananajimi ga Seishintekini Osanaku Narimashita

[Bakuchi Jinsei SP (Satsuki Fumi)] Boku no Hero Academia dj – Crazy Crazy Sideshow [Eng]

[yuka] All Night Long with Kacchan

[unomaru] My Sweet Strawberry

[Marushiru (AKITO)] T shōnen to K shōnen no

[yazaki] The Passing On of Light Particles

[lapin] The Fork in the Road

[Tanuki] Rainy Day

[aroe] My ideal future

[hobakununo] Risk of addiction Take only as prescribed

Funny (and cute lol) :

[yanuyanu (OOP)] our sweet home – (One of my favs it’s so cute ><)

[aroe] spice – Boku no Hero Academia dj [Eng]

[dokosahekisaensan (aroe)] spice second

[aroe] spice third

[Traumerei (vis)] Boku no Hero Academia dj – Love Complex [Eng]

[tuno_maruta (Tsuno)] REC

[Kometsubu] The future us are lovers!

[Korosuke] Married as a disguise, but Kacchan


[aroe] Honey Honey Honey!

Drama :

[cai] Antinomie part 1

[cai] Antinomie After (part 2)

(These 2 are SO GOOD. )

Fantasy :

[dokosahekisaensan (aroe)] tabi ni deruno ha sorekara

[cai] For You

If you have any more suggestions PLS lmkk!! :))



There are many sites you can purchase doujins from. Here is a list of alternatives to Mandarake that I have never had issues with and recommend! (regarding the last post where I was scammed from Mandarake)

1. doujinrepublic.com (a bit pricy but you can request specific titles here!)

2. https://ecs.toranoana.jp/

3. https://www.melonbooks.co.jp/

4. https://booth.pm/en (specific artists will upload here)

5. Check Artists Pixiv descriptions for links etc.

6. Try Reverse image searching covers of titles you are interested in. (You can sometimes find single sites that offer these titles. Sometimes they are Chinese/Taiwanese and you might need a Taiwanese phone number or Chinese residence card ID. You can create fake numbers that work with verification internationally using apps similar to talkatone and bypass using the ID with https://www.myfakeinfo.com/nationalidno/get-china-citizenid.php)


Unfortunately, some of these sites are only available at shops or conventions in Japan. If you want to go doujinshi hunting, these places are good to start. You can use third party groups like https://www.whiterabbitexpress.com/ or others to buy in Japan and ship overseas. Also if you know anyone in Japan you can ask them to order and ship to your location.

Sites like doujin republic are expensive because international shipping is very expensive so they automatically attach an international shipping fee which cannot be removed even if you live in Japan. I recommend using this site only if there is no other place that sells these titles, especially because their request feature is so useful. Remember that standard doujinshi is usually 200¥-1000¥ in price and shipping internationally can be twice/ three times as much attached. 

I would offer help as a third party because I live in Japan, and I have sent packages to friends abroad of Doujinshi titles, and I would be willing to help others with a small fee of 500¥. However with Covid-19 I do not want shipping to become lost so I will offer this later to anyone who is interested. 

If you have any questions for doujin hunting, or want help feel free to msg me on tumblr or on my discord at SqueamishLiver#6070

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