April 2014 – Numerology

- Simone M. Matthews -

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April 2014 – Numerology

Numerology is a most ancient and mystical art form for understanding our evolution within the cycles – personal, planetary & cosmic cycles of creation.  At birth, our Soul Star (refer to Shealla-Dreaming) is imprinted with a numerological blueprint (birthdate, birthtime, name etc..) that creates a resonance, a frequency potential of our Soul.   Our personal Soul resonances are then influenced by the numerological universal imprints of the Gregorian Calendar year and associated month during this life we have chosen here on Earth.

When we understand the meaning and energetic significance of the vibrations of numbers, we are empowered to make conscious choices within our lives, community’s and the world at large.  We have the power to transcend the illusion of the ego (personality) and to blossom into the full potential of the Soul (spirit).

Please scroll down this page to understand more about the energy of our ‘Current Months Numerology’.

Then scroll down a little further again to read the Current Months Numerology in the Context of the ‘Numerology of your own Personal Year‘ in 2014.

Then scroll down further again to read the Numerology of your own Personal Year for 2014 in the context of the Universal Numerology for the year 2014.

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Current Months Numerology

April 2014

Number_11April: 4th month of the year = 4
Year:  2014  (2 + 0 + 1 + 4) = 7
Universal Energy for April 2014: (4 + 7)  =   11  (and also reduces to 2)

April 2014 resonates to the number ‘11’ in numerology.  The number ‘11’ is a master number. It is the most intuitive number and is a clear channel to the subconscious. It is the number of leadership, personal power and spiritual truths.  It leads us on a quest to finding our authentic selves and achieving/being enlightened.

The number 11 ( or double 11 represented as ‘11:11’) is the wake-up signal encoded within human DNA that reminds you to transcend the illusion and awaken to your soul purpose; to be an active participant in birthing Earth into the Golden Age.  What divine energy for our April 2014 Cardinal Grand Cross + Lunar & Solar Eclipse !

In addition, we also will be working Universally this month with the number ‘2’ vibration (as the numbers 1+1 reduce to the number 2).  The number ‘2’ represents the relationship of the uniting of Peace & Diplomacy.

In a Universal 2 vibration month, leading from our own self-love, we are fostering authentic relationships …. in the  knowing this impacts all of humanity – we stand united.  We are being asked to find balance in our lives again, and releasing all blockages/obstacles that may be standing in the way of us flourishing as our true authentic selves.  Love yourself enough to follow your hearts desires/passions, and be the change from within

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Numerology of your Personal Year

Whilst the energy of the ‘Current Month’ above creates a wonderful global energy overview, it is recommended that you read the energy of the current month in conjunction with the energy of your Personal Year.

To calculate the energy of your Personal Year, simply take your day of birth, add it to your month of birth and add it to the current year – adding all the individual digits together.  If the sum of these digits comes to a double digit (eg 34), then add these digits together to reduce the number to a single digit (eg 3 + 4 = 7).

For example, I am born on the 27 November (11th month), thus in numerology terms in 2014 I am in a personal ‘9’ year;   2 + 7 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 18     = 1 + 8 = 9

Once you have calculated your Personal Year number, then please read the applicable Personal Year write up below to understand more about this current cycle within your life and how you can work with this energy consciously throughout 2014.

Personal Year 1:
New Beginnings, Rebirth, Start of a New Cycle
This year represents new beginnings as you step into a whole new 9 year cycle of growth and evolution.  You feel vital, enthusiastic and motivated as you set new goals and visions for this new cycle of your life.   You have gained much wisdom from the previous cycle and you now have the choice to put this wisdom into practice in this next cycle.  A Personal 1 year is not just about setting the foundations for this whole new cycle but it is also about taking action and physically planting the seeds in order to birth opportunities over the next 9 years.

Personal Year 2:
Patience, Decisions, Rhythm
A Personal 2 year is about relationships, alliances and making choices.  After all that enthusiasm of your Personal 1 year, you may find a Personal 2 year frustrating as it can appear from the outside to be fraught with delays, obstacles and much waiting !  After ‘planting the seed’ in Year 1 it started to bear roots and create foundations, then in Year 2 the ‘seed starts to grow’ with the shoot breaking into ‘2’ and sprouting leaves.  Suddenly you are in a position to begin to see the physical expression of your Personal Year 1 choices – and hence is a year of reflection and understanding ‘what will it take to make this 9 year plant grow’.  You may have to adjust your visions, meet new people to aid you in your goals, network with like minded souls or even make changes in yourself… this is a year of choice and the possibilities are only limited by your imagination.

Personal Year 3:
Fun, Joy, Celebrating Wins
As the saying goes ‘all good things come in 3’s’… thus in a Personal 3 year you will begin to see some ‘wins’ in your life as all that envisioning in Year 1 and then choices you made in Year 2 will begin to pay off in Year 3.   In a Personal 3 year you will have that air of confidence that can make you alluring to others, thus things may tend to fall into your lap this year – be it in business, relationships or your finances.  However, be aware not to say ‘YES’ to everything, as you may end the year on burnout or overload.  Use your charm this year to delegate and free up time to play and celebrate the wins… and if you can ‘bank’ all of that ‘gold finger’ energy, as you may need it in the next year.

Personal Year 4:
Responsibility, Karma, Hard Work
How you choose to align with this year will determine whether you will experience a year of Grace & Ease or find a Personal 4 year to be the year from hell !!!   A personal 4 year is your time to make good on all your commitments from your Personal 3 year and take responsibility by walking your talk.  It is an opportunity to reflect on your patterns and how these maybe molded from old beliefs, opinions of others or possibly even playing out stories of past lives.  This is a year of ‘growing up’, being prepared to break the cycles of old and all that is not working and make fresh decisions from a place of higher purpose and highest soul potential.  This is a ‘roll your sleeves up’ type of year and getting down to work… how committed are you really to your goals that you made in Personal Year 1 ?

Personal Year 5:
Freedom, Travel, Adventure… and did I mention FREEDOM !
After all that introverted self-analysis and hard work within your Personal 4 year, you will find that all that dedicated nose to the grindstone stuff has paid off…  and in actual fact you may have discovered that the only person waving that big stick is you !  What a discovery to make, that you are actually FREE to make CHOICES about your own life and you are not bound by the thoughts, opinions or beliefs of others.  This is a year to put this new found freedom to work and go travelling, make new friends, seek out new adventures and ditch the routine.

Personal Year 6:
Lovers, Family, Home, Heart
After expressing all that freedom in your Personal 5 year, you may come to release that there is no place like home… and that home is where the heart is.  A Personal 6 year is about blossoming all of your Heart connections… committing to an existing relationship, or ending a stagnant relationship to open the golden door of opportunity for a new relationship to blossom.  You may feel guided to spend much more time with family and friends, forgiveness may be a big lesson for you this year.   This is a great year to get engaged, married or start a family.. and new friendships made this year will often be for life.  You may also be guided to build the heart of your home or business, nesting and being of service to others.

Personal Year 7:
Introverted, Mystic, Self-Awareness & Improvement
A Personal 7 year is the opportunity to really self-reflect on yourself as a ‘Soul having a Physical experience’ and to psycho-analyse (ouch, that sounds ominous)… just what that means to you.  Who are you on planet Earth ?  Does your life add value to the world ?  Do you make a difference ?   This is a big year of facing some truths, going within and seeking answers to some of the big questions.  This is a year to find out how you can be the ‘alchemist’ and manifest your dreams for not only your highest purpose but for the highest good of all.   You may be guided this year to spend more time by yourself, travel outside of your local area or even take up a new course of study

Personal Year 8:
‘As Above, So Below’ & Polarity
In an 8 Personal year everything appears to be magnified… thus what you focus your attention on this year you will receive more of.  In an 8 Personal Year you will tend to have that certain je ne sais quoi, that intangible quality that makes you desirable and attractive to others… it is up to you whether you flaunt it or stick you head in the sand and hide it !   When you focus positively on abundance in finances, career & wealth this year… expect returns to flow much more easily this year.   But of course, if you go into the poverty stricken ‘woe is me’, well you will truly manifest that reality and  have a most woeful year on record.  You have the potential of the ‘midas touch’ this year, the world is your oyster should you choose believe in yourself.

Personal Year 9:
Completion, Service, End of a Cycle
I personally LOVE a Personal Year 9, as it is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on your 9 year journey, review all of your experiences and wisdoms gained and make decisions on how you will choose to commencing the next year in a new cycle. It is a great year to also share your experiences with others in service, offering pearls of wisdom from your journey.  For some, a Personal 9 year can be a little irritating as if the ‘shoes do not fit’ anymore and you just want to make a leap into the next Personal Year 1, as you feel a disconnection with the last 9 year cycle and just want to pursue new aspirations and visions for your life.  Breathe, be and rest and recuperate this year… enjoy the fruits of all you efforts from your ‘seed planting’ in Year 1, and then take the seeds from your fruits and use these to start your Personal 1 year in the next cycle.

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Numerology for 2014

Finally, now that you have read about the Numerology for the ‘Current Month’ in conjunction with your own ‘Personal Year’, you may also like to consider the Universal Energy of the year 2014 in the Gregorian Calendar and the global significance of this year numerologically.

Number_7Year:   2014
Numerology:   2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 7
Universal Energy for 2014   =   7

The number ‘7’ is the number of the Mystic or Lightworker in modern day terms.  The Mystic is the seeker of wisdoms, knowledge and understanding Universal Laws.  The number 7 is a deeply spiritual number, a number self-responsibility, transformation and growth.

So what does 2014 as a ‘7’ vibrational year in numerology mean ?

I see 2014 as a big shake up year gifting the potential for people to make profound changes within their lives…  be it relationships, careers, finances and lifestyles.

Globally people will be drawn to reflect on how their lives (whether conscious or unconscious) are being molded by Paradigms or Memes within the world at large.  You may at first glance feel that you are separate from all that ‘old world energy’, but 2014 will be a ‘big kick in the pants’ for many, as people really wake up to just how entwined they are with what others impose upon them !!!

In December 2013, my family and I were travelling around a developing country and flew back to Australia on Christmas Eve to spend the holidays/new year with wider family.   On our return to the Australia, the ‘in your face’ disparity of sharing of Earth’s resources was something that our family (and most especially our 2 children) found it quite difficult to get our heads around.   Over this time I felt a sense of shame for the consumeristic (is that a word, but you know what I mean) and materialistic westernised country in which we live… the focus on CONSUMPTION & MORE IS BETTER… to the detriment of Earth’s resources, the survival of our planet and to those that are struggling to meet their basic needs for survival.   Our value system needs a HUGE OVERHAUL and I strongly believe that 2014 is the year that is going to catalyse transformational change on a grand scale.

Traditional ‘roles’, that have been imposed upon us through society, governments, media, corporations & religious organisations will crumble at an exponential rate in 2014… as they no longer make sense in a world where people are waking up and thinking for themselves and not being ‘sold’ a way of life that supposedly is expected of an obedient or conformist citizen.  There are many lifestyles and many ways of living consciously here on Earth… within relationships, family structures and careers… lets honour the unity that exists within our diversity.

Religion was once our guide to living a moral life, science helped us to understand how our physical world works & later quantum mechanics brought deeper understanding to our energetic world and technology provided the means to make our lives easier compared to generations before us.  But now we find ourselves living a so-called modern civilised life where we are chained to our possessions our need to accumulate bigger and more stuff whilst suffering from debilitating stress as we work more than 80 hours a week to support our lifestyles.   We then deal with this frenetic pace of life and the resultant depression through the use of modern pharmaceuticals.

However, the backbone of this so called ‘modern day easy living’ is breaking, as people are questioning ‘who invented this way of life’ and begin to ask of themselves ‘what do I want of MY LIFE’ that meets the yearning of my heart-n-soul.

It is my vision, in this ‘7’ year, that we are stepping into a big quantum leap of sorts, a huge paradigm shift… a critical mass shift into a new world that hasn’t even been written yet.  It is up to us to co-create this new world through our hearts.  As we set our intentions of what we wish to create in our lives/our world, opportunities will present themselves beyond the limitation of our individual consciousness and we have the opportunity re-invent ourselves / our lives / our world through the field of all Creation through our Hearts.

For some this year maybe challenging, as it is going to bring with it change… whether you like it or not !  Resist and the year could feel like a hard slog filled with struggle and pain… Surrender and you will open to the myriad of opportunities that a ‘7’ year has the potential to propagate.

So the question is ‘How can I work with 2014, a ‘7’ vibrational year consciously?’
Please find my ‘Wheel of Life Balance’ at the bottom of my January 2014 Numerology Report to help you work with the full potential of 2014.

Please Note:  There are many calendars that track time/consciousness here on Earth today – such as the Gregorian, Hebrew, Islamic, Chinese, Hindu, Mayan to name but a few.  Thus each Calendar system will have an energetic influence upon those that ‘live’ by the Calendar System.   Forinstance, 2014 in the Gregorian Calendar equates in the Hebrew Calendar to 5774/5, in the Islamic Calendar to 1435 and in the Chinese Calendar 4712.  Thus you can adjust the above calculations according to the Calendar System that influences your life.

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The Eclipse represents a fresh new chapter opening in our lives— and is one of THE most transformative events of 2024.⁠
Aries New Moons feel like a new chapter is opening in your life, a deep impulse, a strong inner desire to walk your truth, own your LIGHT and break free.⁠
Don't over think it.⁠
Make that big leap.⁠
And never look back.⁠
Solar Eclipse ‘obscures’ our vision forward, such that we can take time to reflect on the present and truthfully see how this relates to our past. The insights gained are not about dragging up old energy, or reliving painful events or experiences, but rather to positively reassess where you have been and use this knowledge to make quantum leaps on your path moving forward. ⁠
Inviting you to read my Article on today's Eclipse, and watch my Video where I outline:⁠
🌑 Why this Eclipse is so potent⁠
🌑 Eclipse Crystals to anchor & illuminate⁠
🌑 Effects of Chiron & Mercury Retro⁠
🌑 Theories of this Eclipse & the 2nd Coming⁠
🌑 Impacts of CERN—the God Particle + Eclipse⁠
See my LINKin.Bio for Article + Video.⁠
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Whilst Full Moons can be challenging with the Moon & Sun sitting on opposite sides of the zodiac, they can also be wildly expansive & potently illuminating as the Lunar & Solar (yin & yang) are in natural harmonic balance. ⁠
And I promise you, this weeks Full Moon in LEO reflecting the light of the Sun in AQUARIUS will do a tremendously amazing job at both !⁠
Our Leo Full Moon guides us  to OWN our gifts, stand proud in our talents and to take that plunge to both OWN & REVEAL our god-given Graces to the World. ⁠
Read my FULL Moon Post + Watch Video⁠
See my LINKin.Bio⁠
#fullmoon ⁠
#fullmoonritual ⁠
#astrologicalenergies ⁠
#energyforcast ⁠
#soulmedicine ⁠
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Pluto is an outer planet, which means she governs the bigger themes of humanity & society at large. ⁠
We are entering an entirely new phase, and the shifts & changes over the coming 20 years will be most profound indeed!⁠
Sharing my Pluto in Aquarius Article + Video gifting you insight into potentials that Pluto in Aquarius may ignite within the field, and how we can work with the energy from our Hearts.⁠
See LINKin.Bio⁠
My 2024 Numerology & Astrology Course has launched My 2024 Numerology & Astrology Course has launched today.  Join me!  See my Linkin.Bio
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous change Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like ~ Lao Tzu

Happy New Year 2024 💜
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous change Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don’t resist them; that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like ~ Lao Tzu

Happy New Year 2024 💜
What's in store for 2024? 2024 is a Universal 8 Y What's in store for 2024?  2024 is a Universal 8 Year in Numerology, a year of ‘Cosmic Weaving‘.⁠
A year to take charge of your life, believing in yourself, and weaving your God given eternal light with fierce grace. ⁠
It’s a year of personal power, spiritual & material abundance, bringing your dreams into material reality, and having the courage to be assertive and operate from your true north. ⁠
2024 is a year of taking that inner-work of 2023 and expressing it outwardly to the world. ⁠
The power of 8 inspires us to step out of our comfort zone, take action, explore new opportunities, and reach for the stars & beyond.  The only thing that can stop you in a Universal 8 Year is your belief in self, for as the saying goes you reap what you sow… so sow wisely during our Universal 8 Year!⁠
See my LINKin.Bio to read my full post on the Numerology & Astrology of 2024.  PLUS enrol in my Numerology 2024 Course today!⁠
#tarot #tarot2024⁠
#numerologyguidance #numerologylifepath #numerologypersonalyear⁠
From my heart this festive season, thank you for b From my heart this festive season, thank you for being a glorious LIGHT in a world that needs you more than ever.⁠
May you have a most glorious of festive celebrations— laugh lots, enjoy the bounty of nature & nourish the Soul with memories to last an eternity.⁠
Joyful Blessings, I love you dearly 💜⁠
xx Simone⁠
PS Happy Summer/Winter Solstice too ✨⁠
My most favourite week of the year! ⁠ ⁠ We ali My most favourite week of the year! ⁠
We aligned on the Galactic Plane a couple of days ago, and the energy is building toward our Summer/Winter Solstice on the 21/22 December 2023.⁠
The Solstice is one of the most powerfully potent days of the Solar year. ⁠
The Solstice represents an opportunity to celebrate LIGHT. ⁠
To experience the LIGHT within ourselves, to see that same LIGHT in others. ⁠
To experience the interplay of LIGHT of the Masculine & Feminine within our lives, within the Earth and the cycles of the Sun & Moon. ⁠
Our Solstice of LIGHT is essentially a time of LOVE. ⁠
A LOVE of self. ⁠
A LOVE of nature. ⁠
A LOVE of humanity. ⁠
A LOVE of the great DIVERSITY of LIFE. ⁠
And a LOVE of our Heartful UNITY. ⁠
See my LINKin.Bio for full post + 🎥⁠
It's my Birthday Today. The heavens are blessing It's my Birthday Today.  The heavens are blessing me with a ravishingly gorgeous Gemini Full Moon!⁠
This is our SECOND-LAST Full Moon for the year, and a potent energy indeed.⁠
Making it a great opportunity to really reflect on the year that was, and begin discerning where you wish to place your energy in 2024.⁠
In celebration of my Full Moon Birthday, gifting you all 27% OFF EVERYTHING— all Products & Courses ⁠within our Online Store.⁠
Gift yourself something special, purchase a present for a loved one, or invest in a life-changing Course ready to take your 2024 to the next level!⁠
Signup to my Newsletter for the Coupon Code 💜⁠
See my LINKin Bio too for my Full Moon Article.⁠
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