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Health, Physical Education and Recreation

The Department of Health, Physical Education and Recreation offers a wide range of curricula for Virginia State University students who wish to earn a Bachelor of Science Degree. Through teaching, research, and outreach-public service activities, the Department's goal is to prepare students to negotiate the demands of an ever-changing, highly competitive, and global profession.

Students completing a course of study within the Department, will have acquired those competencies necessary to function as exemplary practitioners in the contemporary marketplace and as potential candidates for graduate school. Course study encompasses core curricular areas such as Foundations, First Aid, Exercise Physiology, Adapted Physical Education, Organization and Administration of Sport, Health and Wellness, skills in lifetime sports, and internship experiences in each minor area. In addition, students may seek an endorsement in Drivers Education.


The Department offers the following minors for students who are pursuing a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health and Physical Education: Health and Physical Education PreK-12, Health Science, Public Health, Recreation, Dance, and Sport Management.

Other Departmental Information

Sankofa Dance Theatre

The HPER Department features the Virginia State University Sankofa Dance Theatre. Sankofa is the official theatrical dance company at Virginia State University. It is the professional, performing arts extension of the dance minor. Students perform lyrical, modern, jazz, hip-hop, African-Diaspora, and traditional African dance in professional presentations throughout the University and surrounding community. Upon a successful audition, students must register for dance classes during each semester that the student is involved with Sankofa Dance Theatre. Participation in Sankofa Dance Theatre is mandatory for the minor in Dance.

The VSU Fitness/Wellness Center

The VSU Fitness/Wellness Center is located in Daniel Gymnasium and is open to VSU students, faculty, and staff. The Fitness/Wellness Center offers a plethora of state of the art cardio and weight training equipment for patrons to use. Patrons can also receive a free wellness assessment.

More information on the Fitness/Wellness Center

Swimming Pool

The swimming pool is available for the Virginia State University community, student activities and outside vendors. The area contains spectator seats and a variety of equipment for use in the swimming pool.


  • Professors: Benita Brown, Andrew Kanu, Serena Reese
  • Associate Professors: Gilbert Gipson, Chevelle Hall
  • Assistant Professors: Tracy Jackson, Brandon Kimble, Portia Miller, LaWanda Raines
  • Instructors: Leslie Crocker, Donna Kanary
  • Adjunct Instructors: Simian Eslamian, Charles Hester, Tara Dickerson-Anderson, Kevin Pierce, Denise Purvis, Charles Hester, Aja Bailey-Jackson, Anthony Mills

Department Chair: Leslie Crocker

Administrative Assistant/Building Manager: Celeste Wynn

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