How to Make a Mailing List

Organizing your contacts into a mailing list can be one of the most effective communication steps that you can take for your project or business. Knowing how to make a mailing list will save you time and energy by helping you quickly print labels, organize information for easy access and conveniently reach out to your customer base.

Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Getting Subscribers

  1. Step 1 Devise multiple information collection tactics.
    You should develop multiple strategies that will encourage customers or potential customers to join your email list. If something doesn't work you can always revise your plan.
    • You can also purchase a list of potential subscribers. Often these lists are based on a specific demographic, so you will want to figure out exactly who you are reaching out to before you spend your money on a contact list.
  2. Step 2 Sign up participants through your website.
    Have an email signup displayed throughout your website. You can add it along the footer or sidebar so it doesn't seem too overbearing, but will display on each page.
    • If you sell retail a product through your site, consider collecting the email at the point of sale as well. You can collect the email along with their billing information, and put a checkbox to get their consent to join the list. This can sign them up automatically unless they uncheck the box to opt out.
    • Create a squeeze page. [1] A squeeze page is a landing page on your site that is dedicated only to pitching your potential subscriber into signing up for you email list. Include some persuasive text or video informing visitors about the incentives of signing up for your list. You should display the signup form prominently in the center of the page. Link to the squeeze page in your social media profiles and search engine advertisements.
  3. Step 3 Give your subscribers perks for signing up.
    It should be something small and immediate. Maybe a free ebook or a discount off their next purchase. [2] If there is an obvious benefit to subscribing to an email list, customers are a lot more likely to sign up.
    • You can also offer a drawing when you are at a public display of your business. Offer a prize for one lucky winner who fills out his contact information on the sign-up sheet. Be sure and include an opt-out checkbox in fine print in regards to receiving information from your business. This covers the rights of the people signing up who do not want to receive information.
    • Offer a fishbowl drawing at a local restaurant. Purchase weekly or monthly gift certificates from a local restaurant, and put out a fishbowl with "Enter to Win" signage.
  4. Step 4 Leverage social media.
    Once you have gotten customers interested in signing up for your email list through contests or giveaways, be sure they can spread the word with social media. Word of mouth is one of the most powerful tools for getting more subscribers. [3] Make sure your emails, newsletter and any contests you offer allow customers to easily share the info on social media. Also, be sure whatever information they share links back to your website in the most effective way possible.
  5. Step 5 Create a privacy policy to foster trust with your customers and contacts.
    Include this privacy policy information on the page that you will use to sign up potential [mailing list] contacts. Let them know your intentions regarding their information and how they can opt-out if they change their mind later.
Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Maintaining Your Contact List

  1. Step 1 Choose a mailing list manager.
    These services can help manage and organize your mailing list. Some of these sites will offer a free membership option while some sites will require payment.
    • Make sure that the site you choose does not sell customer data.
    • Make sure that the software you choose can handle the size capacity of the list you are trying to create.
    • If you have a smaller email list, it may be easier and more sensible to store your mailing list on a spreadsheet. You can also elect to create and store a group of the contacts on your email provider's server. While these options aren't automated, they can be done for free and may be the most sensible option for a small list of subscribers.
  2. Step 2 Check with your web host to see if they have double opt-in requirements.
    A double opt-in is when your customer has to reply to an auto-generated email created by your list managing program before he or she can be added to your list. Using a double opt-in form can be helpful in reducing the amount of false addresses or contacts get added into your list and make sure you have the subscriber's permission for adding them to your list. [4]
  3. Step 3 Keep your consumers interested once you have them on your email list.
    Consider an online magazine about your business, or offer mailing list specials or deals for your business. Your content should largely be exclusive to your email list. If subscribers feel they aren't learning something or getting anything out it, they are likely to unsubscribe.
    • Your first email should thank your clients for signing up, and to award them any incentive they receive for doing so. [5]
    • You should follow up your first email over the next few days with additional emails that ask how the subscriber enjoyed the incentive and give them more information about you, your business or products. [6]
  4. Step 4 Remove old and invalid contacts.
    Over time, people may change their email address or other contact info. Most email marketing sites will help you to track your emails and see which ones are being delivered and which ones were undeliverable. If you can no longer reach a contact remove them from the list. Since most sites will only allow a limited amount of bulk emails or contacts in your list, you might need the space.

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  • Consider a pop-up window on your website to drive potential clients to sign up for your mailing list, but realize that pop-ups can be considered a negative thing by some consumers and website guests.
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  • Add an unsubscribe link at the bottom of your mailing list correspondence so that those who end up on your list, but don't want to, can politely decline to continue to receive your correspondence.
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Updated: October 11, 2022
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