


37 个回答















编辑于 2015-07-13 12:18

Update: 根据日美共同委员会对刑事裁判手续达成的协议,现在针对日美地位协定第17条(5)的内容,日方也有权向美军提请在正式起诉以前就移交犯罪嫌疑人(因为在以前有过因被告不在日方控制下最后因证据不足放弃起诉把案子交给美军自行审理的情况),而根据外务省通报这个协商机制已经有了一些实践案例。


@刘翔熙 其实高赞(因为是匿名的所以我@不出来)说的并不完全对。情况具体应该是这样:

  • 如果日本警察发现了一个强奸现行犯的美军,当然可以对其拘捕直到起诉。
  • 如果事后该犯罪嫌疑者处于美军控制下,那么直到他被检察官起诉,他会置于美军的控制之下。
  • 如果事后该犯罪嫌疑者并不处在美军之下并持续在日本国内潜逃,那么日本警察还可以继续搜捕,并在可能的情况下拘捕他直到起诉。
  • 即使不能逮捕的情形,日本也可以根据日美地位协议要求驻日美军协助搜证。



至于逮捕,按照同条之(5).c 规定,在日本检方正式向法院提起公诉之前,被告的美军成员及其亲属若在美军的控制之下,则应维持此种状态直至日本检察官提起公诉为止。也就是说日本警察不能再拘捕犯罪后处于美军控制下的犯罪人。然,若该犯罪嫌疑人人事后并没有逃回美军控制之下(一般而言就是美军施设内),则日本警察仍然可以在事后逮捕犯罪嫌疑人。同时,按照同条之(5)a, b 和同条之(6)所言,日美有义务就逮捕美军成员或其亲属及依赖人并引渡予施行司法权的一方和为司法程序之目的的搜证事宜互相给予协助。所以,日本并不是对于非现行犯的美军毫无办法。

编辑于 2018-08-23 18:04



下面图片中的这个人叫Michael Brown,是驻日本冲绳的海军陆战队少校。













编辑于 2021-04-29 20:49


发布于 2015-07-13 01:01



发布于 2015-06-18 15:03



编辑于 2018-08-18 17:12



发布于 2018-02-17 06:53


发布于 2018-02-17 20:02





发布于 2020-01-04 19:08


哪怕我们都是人 但是因为某些原因分成了一班二班三班四班 大部分人仍旧保持正常作息生活 但是少部分 比如体育课代表 比如班长 比如这些周围的一两个“狗腿子”就会产生排外倾向 在他们眼里只有本班是正义 本班的人才是人

放到组织 民族 宗教 国家 一样都有这样的几个人

其他国其他势力 就不是人 他在为非作歹时很少会产生同理心等 甚至极端的几岁对这样的人都不是问题


编辑于 2018-02-17 09:26




编辑于 2020-02-21 16:37


Agreement regarding the Status of United States Armed Forces in Japan


Japan and the United States of America, pursuant to Article VI of the Treaty
of Mutual Cooperation and Security between Japan and the United States of
America signed at Washington on January 19, 1960, have entered into this
Agreement in terms as set forth below:


In this Agreement the expression-

  1. "members of the United States armed forces" means the personnel

    on active duty belonging to the land, sea or air armed services of the United

    States of America when in the Territory of Japan.

  2. "civilian component" means the civilian persons of United

    States nationality who are in the employ of, serving with, or accompanying

    the United States armed forces in Japan, but excludes persons who are ordinarily

    resident in Japan or who are mentioned in paragraph 1 of Article XIV. For

    the purposes of this Agreement only, dual nationals, Japanese and United

    States, who are brought to Japan by the United States shall be considered

    as United States nationals.

  3. "dependents" means

(1) Spouse, and children under 21;

(2) Parents, and children over 21, if dependent for over half their support

upon a member of the United States armed forces or civilian component.


  1. (a) The United States is granted, under Article VI of the Treaty of

    Mutual Cooperation and Security, the use of facilities and areas in Japan.

    Agreements as to specific facilities and areas shall be concluded by the

    two Governments through the Joint Committee provided for in Article XXV

    of this Agreement. "Facilities and areas" include existing furnishings,

    equipment and fixtures necessary to the operation of such facilities and


    (b) The facilities and areas of which the United States has the use at the

    time of expiration of the Administrative Agreement under Article III of

    the Security Treaty between Japan and the United States of America, shall

    be considered as facilities and areas agreed upon between the two Governments

    in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) above.

  2. At the request of either Government, the Governments of Japan and

    the United States shall review such arrangements and may agree that such

    facilities and areas shall be returned to Japan or that additional facilities

    and areas may be provided.

  3. The facilities and areas used by the United States armed forces shall

    be returned to Japan whenever they are no longer needed for purposes of

    this Agreement, and the United States agrees to keep the needs for facilities

    and areas under continual observation with a view toward such return.

  4. (a) When facilities and areas are temporarily not being used by the

    United States armed forces, the Government of Japan may make, or permit

    Japanese nationals to make, interim use of such facilities and areas provided

    that it is agreed between the two Governments through the Joint Committee

    that such use would not be harmful to the purposes for which the facilities

    and areas are normally used by the United States armed forces.

    (b) With respect to facilities and areas which are to be used by United

    States armed forces for limited periods of time, the Joint Committee shall

    specify in the agreements covering such facilities and areas the extent

    to which the provisions of this Agreement shall apply.


  1. Within the facilities and areas, the United States may take all the

    measures necessary for their establishment, operation, safeguarding and

    control. In order to provide access for the United States armed forces to

    the facilities and areas for their support, safeguarding and control, the

    Government of Japan shall, at the request of the United States armed forces

    and upon consultation between the two Governments through the Joint Committee,

    take necessary measures within the scope of applicable laws and regulations

    over land, territorial waters and airspace adjacent to, or in the vicinities

    of the facilities and areas. The United States may also take necessary measures

    for such purposes upon consultation between the two Governments through

    the Joint Committee.

  2. The United States agrees not to take the measures referred to in paragraph

    1 in such a manner as to interfere unnecessarily with navigation, aviation,

    communication, or land travel to or from or within the territories of Japan.

    All questions relating to frequencies, power and like matters used by apparatus

    employed by the United States designed to emit electric radiation shall

    be settled by arrangement between the appropriate authorities of the two

    Governments. The government of Japan shall, within the scope of applicable

    laws and regulations, take all reasonable measures to avoid or eliminate

    interference with telecommunications electronics required by the United

    States armed forces.

  3. Operations in the facilities and areas in use by the United States

    armed forces shall be carried on with due regard for the public safety.


  1. The United States is not obliged, when it returns facilities and areas

    to Japan on the expiration of this Agreement or at an earlier date, to restore

    the facilities and areas to the condition in which they were at the time

    they became available to the United States armed forces, or to compensate

    Japan in lieu of such restoration.

  2. Japan is not obliged to make any compensation to the United States

    for any improvements made in the facilities and areas or for the buildings

    or structures left thereon on the expiration of this Agreement or the earlier

    return of the facilities and areas.

  3. The foregoing provisions shall not apply to any construction which

    the Government of the United States may undertake under special arrangements

    with the Government of Japan.


  1. United States and foreign vessels and aircraft operated by, for, or

    under the control of the United States for official purposes shall be accorded

    access to any port or airport of Japan free from toll or landing charges.

    When cargo or passengers not accorded the exemptions of this Agreement are

    carried on such vessels and aircraft, notification shall be given to the

    appropriate Japanese authorities, and their entry into and departure from

    Japan shall be according to the laws and regulations of Japan.

  2. The vessels and aircraft mentioned in paragraph 1, United States Government-owned

    vehicles including armor, and members of the United States armed forces,

    the civilian component, and their dependents shall be accorded access to

    and movement between facilities and areas in use by the United States armed

    forces and between such facilities and areas and the ports or airports of

    Japan. Such access to and movement between facilities and areas by United

    States military vehicles shall be free from toll and other charges.

  3. When the vessels mentioned in paragraph 1 enter Japanese ports, appropriate

    notification shall, under normal conditions, be made to the proper Japanese

    authorities. Such vessels shall have freedom from compulsory pilotage, but

    if a pilot is taken pilotage shall be paid for at appropriate rates.


  1. All civil and military air traffic control and communications systems

    shall be developed in close coordination and shall be integrated to the

    extent necessary for fulfillment of collective security interests. Procedures,

    and any subsequent changes thereto, necessary to effect this coordination

    and integration will be established by arrangement between the appropriate

    authorities of the two Governments.

  2. Lights and other aids to navigation of vessels and aircraft placed

    or established in the facilities and areas in use by United States armed

    forces and in territorial waters adjacent thereto or in the vicinity thereof

    shall conform to the system in use in Japan. The Japanese and United States

    authorities which have established such navigation aids shall notify each

    other of their positions and characteristics and shall give advance notifications

    before making any changes in them or establishing additional navigation



The United States armed forces shall have the use of all public utilities

and services belonging to, or controlled or regulated by the Government

of Japan, and shall enjoy priorities in such use, under conditions no less

favorable than those that may be applicable from time to time to the ministries

and agencies of the Government of Japan.


The Government of Japan undertakes to furnish the United States armed forces

with the following meteorological services in accordance with arrangements

between the appropriate authorities of the two Governments:

  1. Meteorological observations from land and ocean areas including observations from weather ships.

  2. Climatological information including periodic summaries and the historical data of the Meteorological Agency.

  3. Telecommunications service to disseminate meteorological information required for the safe and regular operation of aircraft.

  4. Seismographic data including forecasts of the estimated size of tidal
    waves resulting from earthquakes and areas that might be affected


  1. The United States may bring into Japan persons who are members of

    the United States armed forces, the civilian component, and their dependents,

    subject to the provisions of this Article.

  2. Members of the United States armed forces shall be exempt from Japanese

    passport and visa laws and regulations. Members of the United States armed

    forces, the civilian component, and their dependents shall be exempt from

    Japanese laws and regulations on the registration and control of aliens,

    but shall not be considered as acquiring any right to permanent residence

    or domicile in the territories of Japan.

  3. Upon entry into or departure from Japan members of the United States

    armed forces shall be in possession of the following documents:

    1. personal identity card showing name, date of birth, rank and number,

      service, and photograph; and
    2. individual or collective travel order certifying to the status of

      the individual or group as a member or members of the United States armed

      forces and to the travel ordered.

For purposes of their identification while in Japan, members of the United

States armed forces shall be in possession of the foregoing personal identity

card which must be presented on request to the appropriate Japanese authorities.

  1. Members of the civilian component, their dependents, and the dependents

    of members of the United States armed forces shall be in possession of appropriate

    documentation issued by the United States authorities so that their status

    may be verified by Japanese authorities upon their entry into or departure

    from Japan, or while in Japan.

  2. If the status of any person brought into Japan under paragraph 1 of

    this Article is altered so that he would no longer be entitled to such admission,

    the United States authorities shall notify the Japanese authorities and

    shall, if such person be required by the Japanese authorities to leave Japan,

    assure that transportation from Japan will be provided within a reasonable

    time at no cost to the Government of Japan.

  3. If the Government of Japan has requested the removal from its territory

    of a member of the United States armed forces or civilian component or has

    made an expulsion order against an ex-member of the United States armed

    forces or the civilian component or against a dependent of a member or ex-member,

    the authorities of the United States shall be responsible for receiving

    the person concerned within its own territory or otherwise disposing of

    him outside Japan. This paragraph shall apply only to persons who are not

    nationals of Japan and have entered Japan as members of the United States

    armed forces or civilian component or for the purpose of becoming such members,

    and to the dependents of such persons.


  1. Japan shall accept as valid without a driving test or fee, the driving

    permit or license or military driving permit issued by the United States

    to a member of the United States armed forces, the civilian component, and

    their dependents.

  2. Official vehicles of the United States armed forces and the civilian

    component shall carry distinctive numbered plates or individual markings

    which will readily identify them.

  3. Privately owned vehicles of members of the United States armed forces,

    the civilian component, and their dependents shall carry Japanese number

    plates to be acquired under the same conditions as those applicable to Japanese



  1. Save as provided in this Agreement, members of the United States armed

    forces, the civilian component, and their dependents shall be subject to

    the laws and regulations administered by the customs authorities of Japan.

  2. All materials, supplies and equipment imported by the United States

    armed forces, the authorized procurement agencies of the United States armed

    forces, or by the organizations provided for in Article XV, for the official

    use of the United States armed forces or for the use of the members of the

    United States armed forces, the civilian component, and their dependents,

    and materials, supplies and equipment which are to be used exclusively by

    the United States armed forces or are ultimately to be incorporated into

    articles or facilities used by such forces, shall be permitted entry into

    Japan; such entry shall be free from customs duties and other such charges.

    Appropriate certification shall be made that such materials, supplies and

    equipment are being imported by the United States armed forces, the authorized

    procurement agencies of the United States armed forces, or by the organizations

    provided for in Article XV, or, in the case of materials, supplies and equipment

    to be used exclusively by the United States armed forces or ultimately to

    be incorporated into articles or facilities used by such forces, that delivery

    thereof is to be taken by the United States armed forces for the purposes

    specified above.

  3. Property consigned to and for the personal use of members of the United

    States armed forces, the civilian component, and their dependents, shall

    be subject to customs duties and other such charges, except that no duties

    or charges shall be paid with respect to:

    1. Furniture and household goods for their private use imported by

      the members of the United States armed forces or civilian component when

      they first arrive to serve in Japan or by their dependents when they first

      arrive for reunion with members of such forces or civilian component, and

      personal effects for private use brought by the said persons upon entrance.
    2. Vehicles and parts imported by members of the United States armed

      forces or civilian component for the private use of themselves or their

    3. Reasonable quantities of clothing and household goods of a type

      which would ordinarily be purchased in the United States for everyday use

      for the private use of members of the United States armed forces, civilian

      component, and their dependents, which are mailed into Japan through United

      States military post offices.

  1. The exemptions granted in paragraphs 2 and 3 shall apply only to cases

    of importation of goods and shall not be interpreted as refunding customs

    duties and domestic excises collected by the customs authorities at the

    time of entry in cases of purchases of goods on which such duties and excises

    have already been collected.

  2. Customs examination shall not be made in the following cases:

    1. Units of the United States armed forces under orders entering or

      leaving Japan;
    2. Official documents under official seal and official mail in United

      States military postal channels;
    3. Military cargo shipped on a United States Government bill of lading.

  1. Except as such disposal may be authorized by the Japanese and United

    States authorities in accordance with mutually agreed conditions, goods

    imported into Japan free of duty shall not be disposed of in Japan to persons

    not entitled to import such goods free of duty.

  2. Goods imported into Japan free from customs duties and other such

    charges pursuant to paragraphs 2 and 3, may be re-exported free from customs

    duties and other such charges.

  3. The United States armed forces, in cooperation with Japanese authorities,

    shall take such steps as are necessary to prevent abuse of privileges granted

    to the United States armed forces, members of such forces, the civilian

    component, and their dependents in accordance with this Article.

    1. In order to prevent offenses against laws and regulations administered by

      the customs authorities of the Government of Japan, the Japanese authorities

      and the United States armed forces shall assist each other in the conduct

      of inquiries and the collection of evidence.
    2. The United States armed forces shall render all assistance within their

      power to ensure that articles liable to seizure by, or on behalf of, the

      customs authorities of the Government of Japan are handed to those authorities.
    3. The United States armed forces shall render all assistance within their

      power to ensure the payment of duties, taxes, and penalties payable by members

      of such forces or of the civilian component, or their dependents.

    4. Vehicles and articles belonging to the United States armed forces seized

      by the customs authorities of the Government of Japan in connection with

      an offense against its customs or fiscal laws or regulations shall be handed

      over to the appropriate authorities of the force concerned.


  1. The United States may contract for any supplies or construction work

    to be furnished or undertaken in Japan for purposes of, or authorized by,

    this Agreement, without restriction as to choice of supplier or person who

    does the construction work. Such supplies or construction work may, upon

    agreement between the appropriate authorities of the two Governments, also

    be procured through the Government of Japan.

  2. Materials, supplies, equipment and services which are required from

    local sources for the maintenance of the United States armed forces and

    the procurement of which may have an adverse effect on the economy of Japan

    shall be procured in coordination with, and, when desirable, through or

    with the assistance of, the competent authorities of Japan.

  3. Materials, supplies, equipment and services procured for official

    purposes in Japan by the United States armed forces, or by authorized procurement

    agencies of the United States armed forces upon appropriate certification

    shall be exempt from the following Japanese taxes:

    (a) Commodity tax

    (b) Travelling tax

    (c) Gasoline tax

    (d) Electricity and gas tax.

    Materials, supplies, equipment and services procured for ultimate

    use by the United States armed forces shall be exempt from commodity and

    gasoline taxes upon appropriate certification by the United States armed

    forces. With respect to any present or future Japanese taxes not specifically

    referred to in this Article which might be found to constitute a significant

    and readily identifiable part of the gross purchase price of materials,

    supplies, equipment and services procured by the United States armed forces

    or for ultimate use by such forces, the two Governments will agree upon

    a procedure for granting such exemption or relief therefrom as is consistent

    with the purposes of this Article.

  1. Local labor requirements of United States armed forces and of the

    organizations provided for in Article XV shall be satisfied with the assistance

    of the Japanese authorities.

  2. The obligations for the withholding and payment of income tax, local

    inhabitant tax and social security contributions, and, except as may otherwise

    be mutually agreed, the conditions of employment and work, such as those

    relating to wages and supplementary payments, the conditions for the protection

    of workers, and the rights of workers concerning labor relations shall be

    those laid down by the legislation of Japan.

  3. Should the United States armed forces or as appropriate an organization

    provided for in Article XV dismiss a worker and a decision of a court or

    a Labor Relations Commission of Japan to the effect that the contract of

    employment has not terminated become final, the following procedures shall


    1. The United States armed forces or the said organization shall be

      informed by the Government of Japan of the decision of the court or Commission:
    2. Should the United States armed forces or the said organization not

      desire to return the worker to duty, they shall so notify the Government

      of Japan within seven days after being informed by the latter of the decision

      of the court or Commission, and may temporarily withhold the worker from

    3. Upon such notification, the Government of Japan and the United States

      armed forces or the said organization shall consult together without delay

      with a view to finding a practical solution of the case;
    4. Should such a solution not be reached within a period of thirty

      days from the date of commencement of the consultations under (c) above,

      the worker will not be entitled to return to duty. In such case, the Government

      of the United States shall pay to the Government of Japan an amount equal

      to the cost of employment of the worker for a period of time to be agreed

      between the two Governments.

  1. Members of the civilian component shall not be subject to Japanese

    laws or regulations with respect to terms and conditions of employment.

  2. Neither members of the United States armed forces, civilian component,

    nor their dependents, shall by reason of this Article enjoy any exemption

    from taxes or similar charges relating to personal purchases of goods and

    services in Japan chargeable under Japanese legislation.

  3. Except as such disposal may be authorized by the Japanese and United

    States authorities in accordance with mutually agreed conditions, goods

    purchased in Japan exempt from the taxes referred to in paragraph 3, shall

    not be disposed of in Japan to persons not entitled to purchase such goods

    exempt from such tax.


  1. The United States armed forces shall not be subject to taxes or similar

    charges on property held, used or transferred by such forces in Japan.

  2. Members of the United States armed forces, the civilian component,

    and their dependents shall not be liable to pay any Japanese taxes to the

    Government of Japan or to any other taxing agency in Japan on income received

    as a result of their service with or employment by the United States armed

    forces, or by the organizations provided for in Article XV. The provisions

    of this Article do not exempt such persons from payment of Japanese taxes

    on income derived from Japanese sources, nor do they exempt United States

    citizens who for United States income tax purposes claim Japanese residence

    from payment of Japanese taxes on income. Periods during which such persons

    are in Japan solely by reason of being members of the United States armed

    forces, the civilian component, or their dependents shall not be considered

    as periods of residence or domicile in Japan for the purpose of Japanese


  3. Members of the United States armed forces, the civilian component,

    and their dependents shall be exempt from taxation in Japan on the holding,

    use, transfer inter se or transfer by death of movable property, tangible

    or intangible, the presence of which in Japan is due solely to the temporary

    presence of these persons in Japan, provided that such exemption shall not

    apply to property held for the purpose of investment or the conduct of business

    in Japan or to any intangible property registered in Japan. There is no

    obligation under this Article to grant exemption from taxes payable in respect

    of the use of roads by private vehicles.


  1. Persons, including corporations organized under the laws of the United

    States, and their employees who are ordinarily resident in the United States

    and whose presence in Japan is solely for the purpose of executing contracts

    with the United States for the benefit of the United States armed forces,

    and who are designated by the Government of the United States in accordance

    with the provisions of paragraph 2 below, shall, except as provided in this

    Article, be subject to the laws and regulations of Japan.

  2. The designation referred to in paragraph 1 above shall be made upon

    consultation with the Government of Japan and shall be restricted to cases

    where open competitive bidding is not practicable due to security considerations,

    to the technical qualifications of the contractors involved, or to the unavailability

    of materials or services required by United States standards, or to limitations

    of United States law.

    The designation shall be withdrawn by the Government of the United


    1. upon completion of contracts with the United States for the United

      States armed forces;
    2. upon proof that such persons are engaged in business activities

      in Japan other than those pertaining to the United States armed forces;

    3. when such persons are engaged in practices illegal in Japan.

  1. Upon certification by appropriate United States authorities as to

    their identity, such persons and their employees shall be accorded the following

    benefits of this Agreement:

    1. Rights of accession and movement, as provided for in Article V,

      paragraph 2;
    2. Entry into Japan in accordance with the provisions of Article IX;
    3. The exemption from customs duties, and other such charges provided

      for in Article XI, paragraph 3, for members of the United States armed forces,

      the civilian component, and their dependents;
    4. If authorized by the Government of the United States, the right

      to use the services of the organizations provided for in Article XV;
    5. Those provided for in Article XIX, paragraph 2, for members of the

      armed forces of the United States, the civilian component, and their dependents;
    6. If authorized by the Government of the United States, the right

      to use military payment certificates, as provided for in Article XX;
    7. The use of postal facilities provided for in Article XXI;
    8. Exemption from the laws and regulations of Japan with respect to

      terms and conditions of employment.

  1. Such persons and their employees shall be so described in their

    passports and their arrival, departure and their residence while in Japan

    shall from time to time be notified by the United States armed forces to

    the Japanese authorities.

  2. Upon certification by an authorized officer of the United States

    armed forces, depreciable assets except houses, held, used, or transferred,

    by such persons and their employees exclusively for the execution of contracts

    referred to in paragraph 1 shall not be subject to taxes or similar charges

    of Japan.

  3. Upon certification by an authorized officer of the United States

    armed forces, such persons and their employees shall be exempt from taxation

    in Japan on the holding, use, transfer by death, or transfer to persons

    or agencies entitled to tax exemption under this Agreement, of movable property,

    tangible or intangible, the presence of which in Japan is due solely to

    the temporary presence of these persons in Japan, provided that such exemption

    shall not apply to property held for the purpose of investment or the conduct

    of other business in Japan or to any intangible property registered in Japan.

    There is no obligation under this Article to grant exemption from taxes

    payable in respect of the use of roads by private vehicles.

  4. The persons and their employees referred to in paragraph 1 shall

    not be liable to pay income or corporation taxes to the Government of Japan

    or to any other taxing agency in Japan on any income derived under a contract

    made in the United States with the Government of the United States in connection

    with the construction, maintenance, or operation of any of the facilities

    or areas covered by this Agreement. The provisions of this paragraph do

    not exempt such persons from payment of income or corporation taxes on income

    derived from Japanese sources, nor do they exempt such persons and their

    employees who, for United States income tax purposes, claim Japanese residence,

    from payment of Japanese taxes on income. Periods during which such persons

    are in Japan solely in connection with the execution of a contract with

    the Government of the United States shall not be considered periods of residence

    or domicile in Japan for the purposes of such taxation.

  5. Japanese authorities shall have the primary right to exercise jurisdiction

    over the persons and their employees referred to in paragraph 1 of this

    Article in relation to offenses committed in Japan and punishable by the

    law of Japan. In those cases in which the Japanese authorities decide not

    to exercise such jurisdiction they shall notify the military authorities

    of the United States as soon as possible. Upon such notification the military

    authorities of the United States shall have the right to exercise such jurisdiction

    over the persons referred to as is conferred on them by the law of the United



    1. Navy exchanges, post exchanges, messes, social clubs, theaters,

      newspapers, and other non-appropriated fund organizations authorized and

      regulated by the United States military authorities may be established in

      the facilities and areas in use by the United States armed forces for the

      use of members of such forces, the civilian component, and their dependents.

      Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, such organizations shall

      not be subject to Japanese regulations, license, fees, taxes or similar

    2. When a newspaper authorized and regulated by the United States military

      authorities is sold to the general public, it shall be subject to Japanese

      regulations, license, fees, taxes or similar controls so far as such circulation

      is concerned.

  1. No Japanese tax shall be imposed on sales of merchandise and services

    by such organizations, except as provided in paragraph 1 (b), but purchases

    within Japan of merchandise and supplies by such organizations shall be

    subject to Japanese taxes.

  2. Except as such disposal may be authorized by the Japanese and United

    States authorities in accordance with mutually agreed conditions, goods

    which are sold by such organizations shall not be disposed of in Japan to

    persons not authorized to make purchases from such organizations.

  3. The organizations referred to in this Article shall provide such information

    to the Japanese authorities as is required by Japanese tax legislation.


It is the duty of members of the United States armed forces,

the civilian component, and their dependents to respect the law of Japan

and to abstain from any activity inconsistent with the spirit of this Agreement,

and, in particular, from any political activity in Japan.


  1. Subject to the provisions of this Article,

    1. the military authorities of the United States shall have the right

      to exercise within Japan all criminal and disciplinary jurisdiction conferred

      on them by the law of the United States over all persons subject to the

      military law of the United States;
    2. the authorities of Japan shall have jurisdiction over the members

      of the United States armed forces, the civilian component, and their dependents

      with respect to offenses committed within the territory of Japan and punishable

      by the law of Japan.

    1. The military authorities of the United States shall have the right

      to exercise exclusive jurisdiction over persons subject to the military

      law of the United States with respect to offenses, including offenses relating

      to its security, punishable by the law of the United States, but not by

      the law of Japan.
    2. The authorities of Japan shall have the right to exercise exclusive

      jurisdiction over members of the United States armed forces, the civilian

      component, and their dependents with respect to offenses, including offenses

      relating to the security of Japan, punishable by its law but not by the

      law of the United States.
    3. For the purposes of this paragraph and of paragraph 3 of this Article

      a security offense against a State shall include

      1. treason against the State;
      2. sabotage, espionage or violation of any law relating to official

        secrets of that State, or secrets relating to the national defense of that


  1. In cases where the right to exercise jurisdiction is concurrent

    the following rules shall apply:

    1. The military authorities of the United States shall have the primary

      right to exercise jurisdiction over members of the United States armed forces

      or the civilian component in relation to

      1. offenses solely against the property or security of the United States,

        or offenses solely against the person or property of another member of the

        United States armed forces or the civilian component or of a dependent;
      2. offenses arising out of any act or omission done in the performance

        of official duty.

    1. In the case of any other offense the authorities of Japan shall

      have the primary right to exercise jurisdiction.
    2. If the State having the primary right decides not to exercise jurisdiction,

      it shall notify the authorities of the other State as soon as practicable.

      The authorities of the State having the primary right shall give sympathetic

      consideration to a request from the authorities of the other State for a

      waiver of its right in cases where that other State considers such waiver

      to be of particular importance.

  1. The foregoing provisions of this Article shall not imply any right

    for the military authorities of the United States to exercise jurisdiction

    over persons who are nationals of or ordinarily resident in Japan, unless

    they are members of the United States armed forces.

    1. The authorities of Japan and the military authorities of the United

      States shall assist each other in the arrest of members of the United States

      armed forces, the civilian component, or their dependents in the territory

      of Japan and in handing them over to the authority which is to exercise

      jurisdiction in accordance with the above provisions.
    2. The authorities of Japan shall notify promptly the military authorities

      of the United States of the arrest of any member of the United States armed

      forces, the civilian component, or a dependent.
    3. The custody of an accused member of the United States armed forces

      or the civilian component over whom Japan is to exercise jurisdiction shall,

      if he is in the hands of the United States, remain with the United States

      until he is charged by Japan.

    1. The authorities of Japan and the military authorities of the United

      States shall assist each other in the carrying out of all necessary investigations

      into offenses, and in the collection and production of evidence, including

      the seizure and, in proper cases, the handing over of objects connected

      with an offense. The handing over of such objects may, however, be made

      subject to their return within the time specified by the authority delivering

    2. The authorities of Japan and the military authorities of the United

      States shall notify each other of the disposition of all cases in which

      there are concurrent rights to exercise jurisdiction.

    1. A death sentence shall not be carried out in Japan by the military

      authorities of the United States if the legislation of Japan does not provide

      for such punishment in a similar case.
    2. The authorities of Japan shall give sympathetic consideration

      to a request from the military authorities of the United States for assistance

      in carrying out a sentence of imprisonment pronounced by the military authorities

      of the United States under the provisions of this Article within the territory

      of Japan.

  1. Where an accused has been tried in accordance with the provisions

    of this Article either by the authorities of Japan or the military authorities

    of the United States and has been acquitted, or has been convicted and is

    serving, or has served, his sentence or has been pardoned, he may not be

    tried again for the same offense within the territory of Japan by the authorities

    of the other State. However, nothing in this paragraph shall prevent the

    military authorities of the United States from trying a member of its armed

    forces for any violation of rules of discipline arising from an act or omission

    which constituted an offense for which he was tried by the authorities of


  2. Whenever a member of the United States armed forces, the civilian

    component or a dependent is prosecuted under the jurisdiction of Japan he

    shall be entitled:

    1. to a prompt and speedy trial;
    2. to be informed, in advance of trial, of the specific charge

      or charges made against him;
    3. to be confronted with the witnesses against him;
    4. to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor

      if they are within the jurisdiction of Japan;
    5. to have legal representation of his own choice for his defense

      or to have free or assisted legal representation under the conditions prevailing

      for the time being in Japan;
    6. if he considers it necessary, to have the services of a competent

      interpreter; and
    7. to communicate with a representative of the Government of the

      United States and to have such a representative present at his trial.

    1. Regularly constituted military units or formations of the United

      States armed forces shall have the right to police any facilities or areas

      which they use under Article II of this Agreement. The military police of

      such forces may take all appropriate measures to ensure the maintenance

      of order and security within such facilities and areas.
    2. Outside these facilities and areas, such military police shall

      be employed only subject to arrangements with the authorities of Japan and

      in liaison with those authorities, and in so far as such employment is necessary

      to maintain discipline and order among the members of the United States

      armed forces.

  1. In the event of hostilities to which the provisions of Article

    V of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security apply, either the Government

    of Japan or the Government of the United States shall have the right, by

    giving sixty days' notice to the other, to suspend the application of any

    of the provisions of this Article. If this right is exercised, the Governments

    of Japan and the United States shall immediately consult with a view to

    agreeing on suitable provisions to replace the provisions suspended.

  2. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to any offences

    committed before the entry into force of this Agreement. Such cases shall

    be governed by the provisions of Article XVII of the Administrative Agreement

    under Article III of the Security Treaty between Japan and the United States

    of America as it existed at the relevant time.


  1. Each Party waives all its claims against the other Party for damage

    to any property owned by it and used by its land, sea or air defense services,

    if such damage-

    1. was caused by a member or an employee of the defense services of

      the other Party in the performance of his official duties; or
    2. arose from the use of any vehicle, vessel or aircraft owned by the

      other Party and used by its defense services, provided either that the vehicle,

      vessel or aircraft causing the damage was being used for official purposes,

      or that the damage was caused to property being so used. Claims for maritime

      salvage by one Party against the other Party shall be waived, provided that

      the vessel or cargo salved was owned by a Party and being used by its defense

      services for official purposes.

    1. In the case of damage caused or arising as stated in paragraph 1

      to other property owned by either Party and located in Japan, the issue

      of the liability of the other Party shall be determined and the amount of

      damage shall be assessed, unless the two Governments agree otherwise, by

      a sole arbitrator selected in accordance with subparagraph (b) of this paragraph.

      The arbitrator shall also decide any counter-claims arising out of the same

    2. The arbitrator referred to in subparagraph (a) above shall be selected

      by agreement between the two Governments from amongst the nationals of Japan

      who hold or have held high judicial office.
    3. Any decision taken by the arbitrator shall be binding and conclusive

      upon the Parties.
    4. The amount of any compensation awarded by the arbitrator shall be

      distributed in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 5 (e) (i), (ii)

      and (iii) of this Article.
    5. The compensation of the arbitrator shall be fixed by agreement between

      the two Governments and shall, together with the necessary expenses incidental

      to the performance of his duties, be defrayed in equal proportions by them.
    6. Nevertheless, each Party waives its claim in any such case up to

      the amount of 1,400 United States dollars or 504,000 yen. In the case of

      considerable variation in the rate of exchange between these currencies

      the two Governments shall agree on the appropriate adjustments of these


  1. For the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article the expression

    "owned by a Party" in the case of a vessel includes a vessel on

    bare boat charter to that Party or requisitioned by it on bare boat terms

    or seized by it in prize (except to the extent that the risk of loss or

    liability is borne by some person other than such Party).

  2. Each Party waives all its claims against the other Party for injury

    or death suffered by any member of its defense services while such member

    was engaged in the performance of his official duties.

  3. Claims (other than contractual claims and those to which paragraphs

    6 or 7 of this Article apply) arising out of acts or omissions of members

    or employees of the United States armed forces done in the performance of

    official duty, or out of any other act, omission or occurrence for which

    the United States armed forces are legally responsible, and causing damage

    in Japan to third parties, other than the Government of Japan, shall be

    dealt with by Japan in accordance with the following provisions:

    1. Claims shall be filed, considered and settled or adjudicated

      in accordance with the laws and regulations of Japan with respect to claims

      arising from the activities of its Self-Defense Forces.

    2. Japan may settle any such claims, and payment of the amount agreed

      upon or determined by adjudication shall be made by Japan in yen.

    3. Such payment, whether made pursuant to a settlement or to adjudication

      of the case by a competent tribunal of Japan, or the final adjudication

      by such a tribunal denying payment, shall be binding and conclusive upon

      the Parties.

    4. Every claim paid by Japan shall be communicated to the appropriate

      United States authorities together with full particulars and a proposed

      distribution in conformity with subparagraphs (e) (i) and (ii) below. In

      default of a reply within two months, the proposed distribution shall be

      regarded as accepted.

    5. The cost incurred in satisfying claims pursuant to the preceding

      subparagraphs and paragraph 2 of this Article shall be distributed between

      the Parties as follows:

      1. Where the United States alone is responsible, the amount awarded

        or adjudged shall be distributed in the proportion of 25 percent chargeable

        to Japan and 75 percent chargeable to the United States.
      2. Where Japan and the United States are responsible for the damage,

        the amount awarded or adjudged shall be distributed equally between them.

        Where the damage was caused by the defense services of Japan or the United

        States and it is not possible to attribute it specifically to one or both

        of those defense services, the amount awarded or adjudged shall be distributed

        equally between Japan and the United States.
      3. Every half-year, a statement of the sums paid by Japan in the course

        of the half-yearly period in respect of every case regarding which the proposed

        distribution on a percentage basis has been accepted, shall be sent to the

        appropriate United States authorities, together with a request for reimbursement.

        Such reimbursement shall be made, in yen, within the shortest possible time.

    1. Members or employees of the United States armed forces, excluding

      those employees who have only Japanese nationality, shall not be subject

      to any proceedings for the enforcement of any judgment given against them

      in Japan in a matter arising from the performance of their official duties.

    2. Except in so far as subparagraph of this paragraph applies to claims covered by paragraph 2 of this

      Article, the provisions of this paragraph shall not apply to any claim arising

      out of or in connection with the navigation or operation of a ship or the

      loading, carriage, or discharge of a cargo, other than claims for death

      or personal injury to which paragraph 4 of this Article does not apply.

  1. Claims against members or employees of the United States armed forces

    (except employees who are nationals of or ordinarily resident in Japan)

    arising out of tortious acts or omissions in Japan not done in the performance

    of official duty shall be dealt with in the following manner:

    1. The authorities of Japan shall consider the claim and assess compensation

      to the claimant in a fair and just manner, taking into account all the circumstances

      of the case, including the conduct of the injured person, and shall prepare

      a report on the matter.
    2. The report shall be delivered to the appropriate United States authorities,

      who shall then decide without delay whether they will offer an ex gratia

      payment, and if so, of what amount.
    3. If an offer of ex gratia payment is made, and accepted by the claimant

      in full satisfaction of his claim, the United States authorities shall make

      the payment themselves and inform the authorities of Japan of their decision

      and of the sum paid.
    4. Nothing in this paragraph shall affect the jurisdiction of the courts

      of Japan to entertain an action against a member or an employee of the United

      States armed forces unless and until there has been payment in full satisfaction

      of the claim.

  1. Claims arising out of the unauthorized use of any vehicle of the United

    States armed forces shall be dealt with in accordance with paragraph 6 of

    this Article, except in so far as the United States armed forces are legally


  2. If a dispute arises as to whether a tortious act or omission of a

    member or an employee of the United States armed forces was done in the

    performance of official duty or as to whether the use of any vehicle of

    the United States armed forces was unauthorized, the question shall be submitted

    to an arbitrator appointed in accordance with paragraph 2 (b) of the Article,

    whose decision on this point shall be final and conclusive.

    1. The United States shall not claim immunity from the jurisdiction

      of the courts of Japan for members or employees of the United States armed

      forces in respect of the civil jurisdiction of the courts of Japan except

      to the extent provided in paragraph 5 (f) of this Article.
    2. In case any private movable property, excluding that in use by the

      United States armed forces, which is subject to compulsory execution under

      Japanese law, is within the facilities and areas in use by the United States

      armed forces, the United States authorities shall, upon the request of Japanese

      courts, possess and turn over such property to the Japanese authorities.
    3. The authorities of Japan and the United States shall cooperate in

      the procurement of evidence for a fair hearing and disposal of claims under

      this Article.

  1. Disputes arising out of contracts concerning the procurement of materials,

    supplies, equipment, services and labor by or for the United States armed

    forces, which are not resolved by the parties to the contract concerned,

    may be submitted to the Joint Committee for conciliation, provided that

    the provisions of this paragraph shall not prejudice any right which the

    parties to the contract may have to file a civil suit.

  2. The term "defense services" used in this Article is understood

    to mean for Japan its Self-Defense Forces and for the United States its

    armed forces.

  3. Paragraphs 2 and 5 of this Article shall apply only to claims arising

    incident to non-combat activities.

  4. The provisions of this Article shall not apply to any claims which

    arose before the entry into force of this Agreement. Such claims shall be

    dealt with by the provisions of Article XVIII of the Security Treaty between

    Japan and the United States of America.


  1. Members of the United States armed forces, the civilian component,

    and their dependents, shall be subject to the foreign exchange controls

    of the Government of Japan.

  2. The preceding paragraph shall not be construed to preclude the transmission

    into or outside of Japan of United States dollars or dollar instruments

    representing the official funds of the United States or realized as a result

    of service or employment in connection with this Agreement by members of

    the United States armed forces and the civilian component, or realized by

    such persons and their dependents from sources outside of Japan.

  3. The United States authorities shall take suitable measures to preclude

    the abuse of the privileges stipulated in the preceding paragraph or circumvention

    of the Japanese foreign exchange controls.


    1. United States military payment certificates denominated in dollars

      may be used by persons authorized by the United States for internal transactions

      within the facilities and areas in use by the United States armed forces.

      The Government of the United States will take appropriate action to insure

      that authorized personnel are prohibited from engaging in transactions involving

      military payment certificates except as authorized by United States regulations.

      The Government of Japan will take necessary action to prohibit unauthorized

      persons from engaging in transactions involving military payment certificates

      and with the aid of United States authorities will undertake to apprehend

      and punish any person or persons under its jurisdiction involved in the

      counterfeiting or uttering of counterfeit military payment certificates.
    2. It is agreed that the United States authorities will apprehend and

      punish members of the United States armed forces, the civilian component,

      or their dependents, who tender military payment certificates to unauthorized

      persons and that no obligation will be due to such unauthorized persons

      or to the Government of Japan or its agencies from the United States or

      any of its agencies as a result of any unauthorized use of military payment

      certificates within Japan.

  1. In order to exercise control of military payment certificates the

    United States may designate certain American financial institutions to maintain

    and operate, under United States supervision, facilities for the use of

    persons authorized by the United States to use military payment certificates.

    Institutions authorized to maintain military banking facilities will establish

    and maintain such facilities physically separated from their Japanese commercial

    banking business, with personnel whose sole duty is to maintain and operate

    such facilities. Such facilities shall be permitted to maintain United States

    currency bank accounts and to perform all financial transaction in connection

    therewith including receipt and remission of funds to the extent provided

    by Article XIX, paragraph 2, of this Agreement.


The United States may establish and operate, within the facilities and areas

in use by the United States armed forces, United States military post offices

for the use of members of the United States armed forces, the civilian component,

and their dependents, for the transmission of mail between United States

military post offices in Japan and between such military post offices and

other United States post offices.


The United States may enroll and train eligible United States citizens residing

in Japan, who apply for such enrollment, in the reserve organizations of

the armed forces of the United States.


Japan and the United States will cooperate in taking such steps as may from

time to time be necessary to ensure the security of the United States armed

forces, the members thereof, the civilian component, their dependents, and

their property. The Government of Japan agrees to seek such legislation

and to take such other action as may be necessary to ensure the adequate

security and protection within its territory of installations, equipment,

property, records and official information of the United States, and for

the punishment of offenders under the applicable laws of Japan.


  1. It is agreed that the United States will bear for the duration of

    this Agreement without cost to Japan all expenditures incident to the maintenance

    of the United States armed forces in Japan except those to be borne by Japan

    as provided in paragraph 2.

  2. It is agreed that Japan will furnish for the duration of this Agreement

    without cost to the United States and make compensation where appropriate

    to the owners and suppliers thereof all facilities and areas and rights

    of way, including facilities and areas jointly used such as those at airfields

    and ports, as provided in Articles II and III.

  3. It is agreed that arrangements will be effected between the Governments

    of Japan and the United States for accounting applicable to financial transactions

    arising out of this Agreement.


  1. A Joint Committee shall be established as the means for consultation

    between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States

    on all matters requiring mutual consultation regarding the implementation

    of this Agreement. In particular, the Joint Committee shall serve as the

    means for consultation in determining the facilities and areas in Japan

    which are required for the use of the United States in carrying out the

    purpose of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security.

  2. The Joint Committee shall be composed of a representative of the Government

    of Japan and a representative of the Government of the United States, each

    of whom shall have one or more deputies and a staff. The Joint Committee

    shall determine its own procedures, and arrange for such auxiliary organs

    and administrative services as may be required. The Joint Committee shall

    be so organized that it may meet immediately at any time at the request

    of the representative of either the Government of Japan or the Government

    of the United States.

  3. If the Joint Committee is unable to resolve any matter, it shall refer

    that matter to the respective Governments for further consideration through

    appropriate channels.


  1. This Agreement shall be approved by Japan and the United States in

    accordance with their legal procedures, and notes indicating such approval

    shall be exchanged.

  2. After the procedure set forth in the preceding paragraph has been

    followed, this Agreement will enter into force on the date of coming into

    force of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security, at which time the

    Administrative Agreement under Article III of the Security Treaty between

    Japan and the United States of America, signed at Tokyo on February 28,

    1952, as amended, shall expire.

  3. The Government of each Party to this Agreement undertakes to seek

    from its legislature necessary budgetary and legislative action with respect

    to provisions of this Agreement which require such action for their execution.


Either Government may at any time request the revision of any Article of

this Agreement, in which case the two Governments shall enter into negotiation

through appropriate channels.


This Agreement, and agreed revisions thereof, shall remain in force while

the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security remains in force unless earlier

terminated by agreement between the two Governments.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned Plenipotentiaries have signed this Agreement.

DONE at Washington, in duplicate, in the Japanese and English languages,

both texts equally authentic, this 19th day of January, 1960.

FOR JAPAN: Nobusuke Kishi Aiichiro Fujiyama Mitsujiro Ishii Tadashi Adachi Koichiro Asakai

FOR THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Christian A. Herter Douglas MacArthur 2nd J. Graham Parsons





The Plenipotentiaries of Japan and the United States of America wish to

record the following understanding which they have reached during the negotiations

for the Agreement under Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and

Security between Japan and the United States of America, Regarding Facilities

and Areas and the Status of United States Armed Forces in Japan, signed


The Plenipotentiaries of Japan and the United States of America wish to

record the following understanding which they have reached during the negotiations

for the Agreement under Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and

Security between Japan and the United States of America, Regarding Facilities

and Areas and the Status of United States Armed Forces in Japan, signed


Article III

The measures that may be taken by the United States under paragraph 1 shall,

to the extent necessary to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement, include,

inter alia, the following:

  1. To construct (including dredging and filling), operate, maintain,

    utilize, occupy, garrison and control the facilities and areas;

  2. To remove buildings or structures, make alterations, attach fixtures,

    or erect additions thereto and to construct any additional buildings or

    structures together with auxiliary facilities;

  3. To improve and deepen the harbors, channels, entrances and anchorages,

    and to construct or maintain necessary roads and bridges affording access

    to such facilities and areas;

  4. To control (including measures to prohibit) in so far as may be required

    by military necessity for the efficient operation and safety of the facilities

    and areas, anchorages, moorings, landings, takeoffs and operation of ships

    and water-borne craft, aircraft and other vehicles on water, in the air

    or on land comprising, or in the vicinity of, the facilities and areas;

  5. To construct on rights of way utilized by the United States such wire

    and radio communications facilities, including submarine and subterranean

    cables, pipe lines and spur tracks form railroads, as may be required for

    military purposes; and

  6. To construct, install, maintain and employ in any facility or area

    any type of installation, weapon, substance, device, vessel or vehicle on

    or under the ground, in the air or on or under the water that may be requisite

    or appropriate, including meteorological systems, aerial and water navigation

    lights, radio and radar apparatus and electronic devices.

Article V

  1. "United States and foreign vessels.....operated by, for, or under

    the control of the United States for official purposes" mean United

    States public vessels and chartered vessels (bare boat charter, voyage charter

    and time charter). Space charter is not included. Commercial cargo and private

    passengers are carried by them only in exceptional cases.

  2. The Japanese ports mentioned herein will ordinarily mean "open


  3. The exemption from making "appropriate notification" will

    be applicable only to exceptional cases where such is required for security

    of the United States armed forces or similar reasons.

  4. The laws and regulations of Japan will be applicable except as specifically

    provided otherwise in this Article.

Article VII

The problem of telecommunications rates applicable to the United States

armed forces will continue to be studied in the light of, inter alia, the

statements concerning Article VII recorded in the official minutes of the

Tenth Joint Meeting for the Negotiation of the Administrative Agreement

signed on February 28, 1952, which are hereby incorporated by reference.

Article IX

The Government of Japan will be notified at regular intervals, in accordance

with procedures to be agreed between the two Governments, of numbers and

categories of persons entering and departing.

Article XI

  1. The quantity of goods imported under paragraph 2 by the organizations

    provided for in Article XV for the use of the members of the United States

    armed forces, the civilian component, and their dependents shall be limited

    to the extent reasonably required for such use.

  2. Paragraph 3 (a) does not require concurrent shipment of goods with

    travel of owner nor does it require single loading or shipment.

  3. The term "military cargo" as used in paragraph 5 (c) is

    not confined to arms and equipment but refers to all cargo shipped to the

    United States armed forces on a United States Government bill of lading,

    the term "military cargo" being used to distinguish cargo shipped

    to the United States armed forces from cargo shipped to other agencies of

    the United States Government.

  4. The United States armed forces will take every practicable measure

    to ensure that goods will not be imported into Japan by or for the members

    of the United States armed forces, the civilian component, or their dependents,

    the entry of which would be in violation of Japanese customs laws and regulations.

    The United States armed forces will promptly notify the Japanese customs

    authorities whenever the entry of such goods is discovered.

  5. The Japanese customs authorities may, if they consider that there

    has been an abuse or infringement in connection with the entry of goods

    under Article XI, take up the matter with the appropriate authorities of

    the United States armed forces.

  6. The words "The United States armed forces shall render all assistance

    within their power etc." in paragraph 9(b) and (c) refer to reasonable

    and practicable measures by the United States armed forces.

Article XII

  1. The United States armed forces will furnish the Japanese authorities

    with appropriate information as far in advance as practicable on anticipated

    major changes in their procurement program in Japan.
  2. The problem of a satisfactory settlement of difficulties with respect

    to procurement contracts arising out of differences between Japanese and

    United States economic laws and business practices will be studied by the

    Joint Committee or other appropriate persons.
  3. The procedures for securing exemptions from taxation on purchases

    of goods for ultimate use by the United States armed forces will be as follows:

    1. Upon appropriate certification by the United States armed forces

      that materials, supplies and equipment consigned to or destined for such

      forces, are to be used, or wholly or partially used up, under the supervision

      of such forces, exclusively in the execution of contracts for the construction,

      maintenance or operation of the facilities and areas referred to in Article

      II or for the support of the forces therein, or are ultimately to be incorporated

      into articles or facilities used by such forces, an authorized representative

      of such forces shall take delivery of such materials, supplies and equipment

      directly from manufacturers thereof. In such circumstances the collection

      of commodity and gasoline taxes shall be held in abeyance.

    2. The receipt of such materials, supplies and equipment in the facilities

      and areas shall be confirmed by an authorized officer of the United States

      armed forces to the Japanese authorities.
    3. Collection of commodity and gasoline taxes shall be held in abeyance


      1. The United States armed forces confirm and certify the quantity

        or degree of consumption of the above referred to materials, supplies and

        equipment, or
      2. The United States armed forces confirm and certify the amount of

        the above referred to materials, supplies, and equipment which have been

        incorporated into articles or facilities used by United States armed forces.

    1. Materials, supplies, and equipment certified under c(1) or (2) shall

      be exempt from commodity and gasoline taxes in so far as the price thereof

      is paid out of United States Government appropriations or out of funds contributed

      by the Japanese Government for disbursement by the United States.

  1. The Government of the Untied States shall ensure that the Government

    of Japan is reimbursed for costs incurred under relevant contracts between

    appropriate authorities of the Government of Japan and the organizations

    provided for the Article XV in connection with the employment of workers

    to be provided for such organizations.

  2. It is understood that the term "the legislation of Japan"

    mentioned in paragraph 5, Article XII includes decisions of the courts and

    the Labor Relations Commissions of Japan, subject to the provisions of paragraph

    6, Article XII.

  3. It is understood that the provisions of Article XII, paragraph 6 shall

    apply only to discharges for security reasons including disturbing the maintenance

    of military discipline within the facilities and areas used by the United

    Sates armed forces.

  4. It is understood that the organizations referred to in Article XV

    will be subject to the procedures of paragraph 6 on the basis of mutual

    agreement between the appropriate authorities.

Article XIII

With respect to Article XIII, paragraph 2 and Article XIV, paragraph 7,

income payable in Japan as a result of service with or employment by the

United States armed forces or by the organizations provided for in Article

XV, or under contract made in the United States with the United States Government,

shall not be treated or considered as income derived form Japanese sources.

Article XV

The facilities referred to in paragraph 1 may be used by other officers

and personnel of the United States Government ordinarily accorded such privileges


Article XVII

Re paragraph 1 (a) and paragraph 2 (a):

The scope of persons subject to the military laws of the United States shall

be communicated, thorough the Joint Committee, to the Government of Japan

by the Government of the United States.

Re paragraph 2(c):

Both Governments shall inform each other of the details of all the security

offenses mentioned in this subparagraph and the provisions governing such

offenses in the existing laws of their respective countries.

Re paragraph 3(a) (ii):

Where a member of the United States armed forces or the civilian component

is charged with an offense, a certificate issued by or on behalf of his

commanding officer stating that the alleged offense, if committed by him,

arose out of an act or omission done in the performance of an official duty,

shall, in any judicial proceedings, be sufficient evidence of the fact unless

the contrary is proved. The above statement shall not be interpreted to

prejudice in any way Article 318 of the Japanese Code of Criminal Procedure.

Re paragraph 3(c):

  1. Mutual procedures relating to waivers of the primary right to exercise

    jurisdiction shall be determined by the Joint Committee.

  2. Trials of cases in which the Japanese authorities have waived the

    primary right to exercise jurisdiction, and trials of cases involving offenses

    described in paragraph 3(a) (ii) committed against the State or nationals

    of Japan shall be held promptly in Japan within a reasonable distance from

    the places where the offense are alleged to have taken place unless other

    arrangement s are mutually agreed upon. Representatives of the Japanese

    authorities may be present at such trials.

Re paragraph 4:

Dual nationals, Japanese and United States, who are subject to the military

law of the United States and are brought to Japan by the United States shall

not be considered as nationals of Japan, but shall be considered as United

States nationals for the purposes of this paragraph.

Re paragraph 5:

  1. In case the Japanese authorities have arrested an offender who is

    a member of the United States armed forces, the civilian component, or a

    dependent subject of the military law of the United States with respect

    to a case over which Japan has a primary right to exercise jurisdiction,

    the Japanese authorities will, unless they deem that there is adequate cause

    and necessity to retain such offender, release him to the custody of the

    United States military authorities provided that he shall, on request, be

    made available to the Japanese authorities, if such be the condition of

    his release. The United States authorities shall, on request, transfer his

    custody to the Japanese authorities at the time he is indicted by the latter.
  2. The United States military authorities shall promptly notify the Japanese

    authorities of the arrest of any member of the United States armed forces,

    the civilian component or a dependent in any case in which Japan has the

    primary right to exercise jurisdiction.

Re paragraph 9:

  1. The rights enumerated in items (a) through (e) of this paragraph are

    guaranteed to all persons on trial in Japanese courts by the provisions

    of the Japanese Constitution. In addition to these rights, a member of the

    United States armed forces, the civilian component or a dependent who is

    prosecuted under the jurisdiction of Japan shall have such other rights

    as are guaranteed under the laws of Japan to all persons on trial in Japanese

    courts. Such additional rights include the following which are guaranteed

    under the Japanese Constitution:

    1. He shall not be arrested or detained without being at once informed

      of the charge against him or without the immediate privilege of counsel;

      nor shall he be detained without adequate cause; and upon demand of any

      person such cause must be immediately shown in open court in his presence

      and the presence of his counsel;
    2. He shall enjoy the right to a public trial by an impartial tribunal;
    3. He shall not be compelled to testify against himself;
    4. He shall be permitted full opportunity to examine all witnesses;
    5. No cruel punishments shall be imposed upon him.

  1. The United States authorities shall have the right upon request to

    have access at any time to members of the United States armed forces, the

    civilian component, or their dependents who are confined or detained under

    Japanese authority.

  2. Nothing in the provisions of paragraph 9 (g) concerning the presence

    of a representative of the United States Government at the trial of a member

    of the United States armed forces, the civilian component or a dependent

    prosecuted under the jurisdiction of Japan, shall be so construed as to

    prejudice the provisions of the Japanese Constitution with respect to public


Re paragraphs 10 (a) and 10 (b):

  1. The United States military authorities will normally make all arrests

    within facilities and areas in use by and guarded under the authority of

    the United States armed forces. This shall not preclude the Japanese authorities

    from making arrests within facilities and areas in cases where the competent

    authorities of the United States armed forces have given consent, or in

    cases of pursuit of a flagrant offender who has committed a serious crime.

    Where persons whose arrest is desired by the Japanese authorities and who

    are not subject to the jurisdiction of United States armed forces are within

    facilities and areas in use by the United States armed forces, the United

    States military authorities will undertake, upon request, to arrest such

    persons. All persons arrested by the United States military authorities,

    who are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States armed forces,

    shall immediately be turned over to the Japanese authorities. The United

    States military authorities may, under due process of law, arrest in the

    vicinity of a facility or area any person in the commission or attempted

    commission of an offense against the security of that facility or area.

    Any such person not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States armed

    forces shall immediately be turned over to the Japanese authorities.

    The Japanese authorities will normally not exercise the right of search,

    seizure, or inspection with respect to any persons or property within facilities

    and areas in use by and guarded under the authority of the United States

    armed forces or with respect to property of the United States armed forces

    wherever situated, except in cases where the competent authorities of the

    United States armed forces consent to such search, seizure, or inspection

    by the Japanese authorities of such persons or property.

  2. Where search, seizure, or inspection with respect to persons or property

    within facilities and areas in use by the United States armed forces or

    with respect to property of the United States armed forces in Japan is desired

    by the Japanese authorities, the United States military authorities will

    undertake, upon request, to make such search, seizure, or inspection. In

    the event of a judgment concerning such property, except property owned

    or utilized by the United States Government or its instrumentalities, the

    United States will turn over such property to the Japanese authorities for

    disposition in accordance with the judgment.

Article XIX

Payment in Japan by the United States armed forces and by those organizations

provided in Article XV to persons other than members of the United States

armed forces, civilian component, their dependents and those persons referred

to in Article XIV shall be effected in accordance with the Japanese Foreign

Exchange Control Law and regulations. In these transactions the basic rate

of exchange shall be used.

Article XXI

United States military post offices may be used by other officers and personnel

of the United States Government ordinarily accorded such privileges abroad.

Article XXIV

It is understood that nothing in this Agreement shall prevent the United

States from utilizing for the defrayment of expenses which are to be borne

by the United States under this Agreement, dollar or yen funds lawfully

acquired by the United States.

Washington, January 19, 1960.

N. K.





January 19, 1960


I have the honor to refer to paragraph 6 (d) of Article XII of the Agreement

under Article VI of the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between

the United States of America and Japan, Regarding Facilities and Areas and

the Status of United States Armed Forces in Japan, signed today. The second

sentence of the said paragraph provides that "in such case the Government

of the United States shall pay to the Government of Japan an amount equal

to the cost of employment of the worker for a period of time to be agreed

between the two Governments." I wish to propose on behalf of the Government

of the United States that the period of time mentioned above shall not exceed

one year after the notification provided for in paragraph 6 (b) of Article

XII of the above-cited Agreement, and may be determined in the consultations

under paragraph 6 (c) of Article XII above on the basis of mutually agreeable

criteria. If the proposal made herein is acceptable to the Government of

Japan, this Note and Your Excellency's reply to that effect shall be considered

as constituting an agreement between the two Governments. Accept, Excellency,

the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Christian A. Herter

Secretary of State of the

United States of America

His Excellency

Nobusuke Kishi,

Prime Minister of Japan

Washington, January 19, 1960


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's Note of

today's date, which reads as follows: "I have the honor to refer to

paragraph 6 (d) of Article XII of the Agreement under Article VI of the

Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States of America

and Japan, Regarding Facilities and Areas and the Status of United States

Armed Forces in Japan, signed today. The second sentence of the said paragraph

provides that 'in such case the Government of the United States shall pay

to the Government of Japan an amount equal to the cost of employment of

the worker for a period of time to be agreed between the two Governments.'

I wish to propose on behalf of the Government of the United States that

the period of time mentioned above shall not exceed one year after the notification

provided for in paragraph 6 (b) of Article XII of the above-cited Agreement,

and may be determined in the consultations under paragraph 6 (c) of Article

XII above on the basis of mutually agreeable criteria.

If the proposal made herein is acceptable to the Government of Japan, this

Note and Your Excellency's reply to that effect shall be considered as constituting

an agreement between the two Governments."

I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the Government of Japan

accepts the above proposal of the Government of the United States, and to

confirm that your Note and this reply are considered as constituting an

agreement between the two Governments.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurance

of my highest consideration.

Nobusuke Kishi

His Excellency

Christian A. Herter,

Secretary of State

of the United States of America.

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