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Office Chair Back Support Adjustment for Correct Posture 您所在的位置: 网站首页 tilttension Office Chair Back Support Adjustment for Correct Posture

Office Chair Back Support Adjustment for Correct Posture

2023-04-12 13:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Office chair back support adjustment should be one of the first items on your agenda after you buy an ergonomic chair. While they intend to include the whole slew of support features to create a comfortable work experience for you, you often can't take advantage of them with the chair’s configuration out of the box. You can get lucky in this regard, but why would you rely on luck when your ergonomic chair is adjustable? 

Imagine if you bought an ergonomic chair for back pain and it was doing nothing to help you with the discomfort in your back. The question is, where are you going to learn how to adjust your office chair? If that's your objective, then you're in luck. Below is all the information you need to ensure that your office ergonomic chair is giving you the maximum satisfaction possible. 

Seat Height Adjustment

The seat height is first on the agenda, as you don't want to be too close to the ground or too far from it. While the levers and locations may defer, the basic mechanism design behind ergonomic chair height adjustment is almost always the same. First, if you want to raise your seat height, identify the lever for doing so. On the Autonomous ErgoChair 2, for example, you can find it on the right side of the base. Office chair controls are typically designed to be easily identifiable.

Typically, if you pull the lever and remove your weight from the chair, you can increase the seat height and adjust office chair. If you pull the lever while sitting or putting enough weight on the chair, you can lower the seat height. 

Seat Height Adjustment

Seat Depth Adjustment

If you want to adjust office chair seat depth, you again need to find the corresponding control to do so. Not all ergonomic office chairs offer this feature, so if yours doesn't, the seat position is going to have to stay the same. If you do have a chair that supports this, such as the Autonomous ErgoChair 2, then you need only identify the lever or button for making the change. Press and hold the mechanism while panning the seat in whichever direction appeals to you. 

Seat Depth Adjustment

Seat Tilt Adjustment

Seat tilt is next on the agenda, and this is another quality of life feature that is nice to have in an ergonomic chair design. Of course, the Autonomous ErgoChair 2 facilitates this quite well, for those who wish to incline or decline nothing but the seat pad. In this case, you are not going to be holding the lever or button of office chair controls until you have completed your adjustment.

As far as tilting goes, the seat pad is locked in position when you sit. Adjusting the seat tilt means tipping a lever to the unlock position to allow tilt directional movements. Upon doing so, you can tilt the seat pad forward or backward to your heart's content. Once you are satisfied, turn the lever back to its locked position. 

Seat Tilt Adjustment

Lumbar Support

A lumbar support office chair is a worthwhile ergonomic investment. One of the biggest issues plaguing office workers today is the persistence of low back pain. Much of it comes from a lack of lumbar support when sitting, so the spine ends up in an unnatural position. Not all ergonomic chairs have dedicated adjustment mechanisms for this feature, even if the spine support is present. 

The Autonomous ErgoChair 2, an ergonomic lumbar support chair, uses a simple lever mechanism to adjust your lumbar support. If you want more, you need only flip the lever down. Conversely, if you wish to have less, then you only need to flip the lever up.

Lumbar support position adjustment is also possible with this chair, and it's the only feature that requires you to get up to change it. There's a support pad on the base of the reverse side of the backrest. Adjust the pad up or down to get the desired position. 

Lumbar Support

Back Tilt Tension

The amount of back tilt tension present helps to govern how much spine support you get as you sit. It's supposed to be rigid enough to hold your spine in a neutral position without applying so much force that it becomes an uncomfortable phenomenon. If you can’t adjust the back support of the office chair you opt for, it means you need to investigate another. Office chair back support adjustment is a must for health and comfort.

The Autonomous ErgoChair 2 is an office chair with back support, uses a rotatable handle for adjusting the tilt tension feature. If you wish to increase the amount of back tilt tension present, then you need only rotate the handle clockwise. As you can surmise, rotating the handle counterclockwise achieves the opposite effect when needed. It is really easy to do office chair back support adjustment on this chair.

Back Tilt Tension

Headrest Height and Angle

These tend to be two of the simplest ergonomic chair adjustments, because of the lack of levers or buttons to use. The headrest height is first, and adjusting it only requires you to grip the headrest and pull it upward or push it down as you require. 

Adjusting the angle has a similar requirement when adjusting office chair. You need only hold the headrest and pull it forward or push it back to get the desired angle. Remember your spine begins at the base of your skull. Therefore, if you want full spine support and comfort, headrest adjustment is just as important as office chair back support adjustment.

Headrest Height and Angle

Armrest Adjustment

While you shouldn't be consistently resting your elbows on the chair’s armrests, it's still incredibly important to have them in the optimal position for when you are ready to use them. The Autonomous ErgoChair 2, like most office chairs with adjustable armrests, has a button mechanism. Once you press the buttons on the underside of each armrest, you can move them up and down as you desire. You may glide the armrests in and out at any time for horizontal adjustment. It is also easy as adjusting back support for an office chair.

Back Angle

Back angle support allows you to recline your office chair as you desire. The Autonomous ErgoChair 2 has a lever that you can push down to unlock the feature. Recline the chair until you get to the desired angle then pull the lever up again to lock it in place. Like office chair back support adjustment, to return to a regular sitting position, unlock the feature, push backward on the chair, then allow it to bring you forward. Once it does, you can put the lever back in its lock position.

Back Angle






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