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在空运进出口方面:我们拥有覆盖全球的精品航线,在郑州、北京、上海、 广州四大港口城市都有成熟操作经验。可以提供:进出口订舱、上门提送货、港口及目的地的报关、报检、代办机电证、保险、监管运输、验货、包装、仓储、送货等服务,对转机货物可提前预订二程货舱,安全快捷。同时,得益于郑州航空港的建设,我司率先与各大航空公司签署包仓协议,并积极拓展河南周边市场。

在海运进出口方面:我们与CMA ,MSC,ANL,CSAV等多家船公司保持着良好的业务关系和密切的合作,获得优势价格和充足舱位。此外,我们还与青岛、上海、天津的多家船公司一级代理签有长期合作协议,可以提供国内外各港之间的进出口订舱、换单、报关报检、代缴各种税费及码头费、场站提货、陆运到门一条龙服务。公司在日韩、北美及欧洲地中海航线有极优惠运价。




Henan baifu international logistics co., LTD. Was established in 2000. It is a first-class freight forwarding enterprise registered by the ministry of commerce, henan provincial administration of industry and commerce and zhengzhou customs examination and approval. The company's headquarters is located in no.109, hongtai road, zhengzhou, with offices in xinzheng international airport, export processing zone and zhengzhou railway east station. World cargo alliance (WCA) and China air transport association (CATA) member enterprises, alibaba sign a partner good service providers, freight forwarders association director unit of henan province, henan province vice President of supply chain association units.

New buford international logistics is the international air transport, international shipping container FCL and LCL, chartered international bulk cargo transport, air transport, rail transport, multimodal transport, warehousing, distribution, agency customs clearance, inspection declaration, agent import and export and transportation insurance and other services, is a prominent superiority, services fully integrated international logistics enterprises.

Company has a strong and sound international agent service network, global reach more than 2000 cities of more than 200 countries and regions, and Russia successively empty bridge cargo airlines, cathay Pacific airlines, China southern airlines, UPS, Germany global shipping, the United States intelligence flow of snobbery, kobe came through global airlines such as urgent international freight, shipping company and forwarder company established or agency relationship of cooperation, in order to create a better service for customers and greater value.

In terms of air transportation import and export: we have the best routes covering the whole world, and we have mature operation experience in the four major port cities of zhengzhou, Beijing, Shanghai and guangzhou. Can provide: import and export booking, door-to-door delivery, port and destination of the customs declaration, inspection declaration, and mechanical and electrical certificate, insurance, transportation, inspection, packaging, storage, delivery and other services, to transit the goods can be in advance booking cargo space, the cheng brothers not only safe and fast. At the same time, thanks to the construction of zhengzhou airport, our company is the first to sign the package agreement with major airlines, and actively expand the market in henan.

In terms of Marine import and export, we have maintained good business relations and close cooperation with CMA,MSC,ANL,CSAV and other shipping companies to obtain the advantage price and adequate shipping space. In addition, we also with various shipping companies in Qingdao, Shanghai, tianjin has a long-term cooperation agreement level agent, can provide both at home and abroad of all the import and export booking, the port in single, customs clearance, pay various taxes and fees and terminal, terminal, land transportation to door one-stop service to pick up the goods. The company has excellent freight rates on the Mediterranean routes in Japan, Korea, North America and Europe.

In the import and export of railway: as zheng the international railway freight trains good partners, we can provide customers with import and export transportation car parallel imports, zheng European trains, the LCL, railway operation import and export customs clearance, across Europe and domestic distribution. Railway export: can provide customers with zhengzhou railway container center station, 14 days direct to Hamburg, Germany and the European central Europe railway transport services. Fixed three shifts a week, high frequency, normal operation. Railway import: return can provide customers with Hamburg, Warsaw, such as starting, 16 days directly to zhengzhou international railway FCL and LCL import services, fixed class two a week, and capable of carrying the goods is rich, save time, reduce the cost.

At the same time the company also for electricity, electronic retailing, enterprises and individuals to provide free trade zone and goods for the record, international freight, customs clearance, transit, regulatory car transportation and comprehensive service, and even cross-border online legal compliance, and make consumers save the logistics cost and the waiting time for the goods. In addition, the company specialized is engaged in international express import and export cargo transport business, with more than 10 international express company to sign the agency agreement, express freight shipped to all over the world competitive, relying on the distribution of global agency network and professional team, in addition to the import and export express has a very good price advantage, information feedback in time, delivery tracking strong strength, ensure the effectiveness of delivery in time.

As heald cross-border electricity protection area public warehouse of warehousing enterprises, the company adopts domestic advanced electric business warehouse management system, and introduce the experienced electricity storage management personnel, professional customs clearance company in henan local team and rich social resources, to provide customers with the most reasonable cost, the best quality of service, operating the safest cross-border electricity logistics warehousing solutions.

罗冰  Allan Luo


—1995 就职于河南中原国际贸易公司
—2000  就职于中外运河南公司 

Rojbin tugan, henan province, zhengzhou city, was born in 1971, nearly 20 years in logistics industry, logistics industry professional skills and management ability and so on various aspects is outstanding, dedicated to the service to the masses of customers, by the consistent high praise. Vice President of henan international freight forwarders association, vice President of supply chain association in henan province, henan province electricity business review committee of experts, henan buford international supply chain co., LTD., chairman, President!

In 1992-1995 in henan zhongyuan international trading company

In 1995-2000 at sinotrans company in henan

Founded in 2000 in henan province new buford international logistics co., LTD., is one of the largest international logistics enterprise henan native.

2013 acquisition of zhengzhou Cheng Chi express co., LTD., to carry out import and export international express and cross-border BC business.

Founded in 2013 in zhengzhou electric shang hui international trade co., LTD., to carry out cross-border electricity business of imports

Founded in 2015 in henan hui to cross-border supply chain co., LTD., cross-border electricity integrated services.




版权所有:河南新百福国际物流有限公司 地 址:郑州市航空港区裕鸿电子产业园4号写字楼4A3层 服务热线:0371—55698015  15093225868   豫ICP备15002199号-2

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